
Suitable, affordable housing is key to our population ageing well

If Australian seniors are to remain healthy and work longer, the importance of appropriate housing cannot be underestimated. Much attention is being paid to the rising cost of health care for an ageing population.

Meeting the Housing Needs of an Aging Population

The aging population in the US is more economically and ethnically diverse than any before, and will require a greater and more varied inventory of housing stock. There are significant implications for housing markets, as the need for homes that are affordable, accessible, and located in proximity to social and commercial centers and public transportation will rise.

Housing Decisions of Older Australians

The growing longevity and ageing of Australia’s population, as well as other structural and demographic changes, elevate the policy imperative to understand what drives the housing decisions of older people and the consequences for their wellbeing. This study aims to explore the drivers of those decisions, as well as some of the barriers to better outcomes.

An Age Friendly City – how far has London come?

The Institute of Gerontology has undertaken this research. It follows their study for the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2006: What makes a city age-friendly?

The Future of Housing for Older Australians

The demand for seniors housing is expected to increase significantly in line with the ageing of the population over the coming decades.

The Future of Housing for Older Australians

The demand for seniors housing is expected to increase significantly in line with the ageing of the population over the coming decades. Broad changes to the housing situations of older people and the household structures in which they live have significant implications for successful ageing.

Housing vulnerable older people: lessons from Europe and Australia

A comparison of strategies for housing vulnerable older people in Europe and Australia.

Housing an Ageing Population (England)

This UK House of Commons Library briefing paper discusses the challenges around providing housing for older people in the midst of both a growing population and a still recovering housing market. It covers issues around housing stock; adaptations; retirement housing and asset release.

Ageing in place: the role of community health workers

Evidence and experience suggest that community health workers in low- and middle-income countries could be important resources for promoting Healthy Ageing in place.

Age-Friendly Community Initiatives: Conceptual Issues and Key Questions

US public policy and programs for older adults traditionally have focused on the delivery of benefits to targeted individuals.
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