
Lifetime Neighbourhoods: Practice Examples

This summary describes the key elements that make up a lifetime neighbourhood, and sets out how individual residents, communities, local government, practitioners, councillors, the voluntary sector and the private sector can become involved and contribute to the development of lifetime neighbourhoods. It also includes a checklist which sets out a range of issues that residents might want to consi

Improving housing with care choices for older people: an evaluation of extra care housing

Over the last decade, extra care housing has emerged as a welcome alternative to residential care and the various forms of sheltered housing previously available.

All Party Parliamentary Group on housing and care for Older People - Living Well At Home Inquiry

Amidst the national interest in the growing need for care and support for the UK's ageing population, this report highlights the importance of the home in the current debate.

Then and now: evolving community in the context of a retirement village

There is currently much debate in the United Kingdom policy and practice literature about how best to respond to the care and accommodation needs of people as they retire and grow older.

Lifetime Neighbourhoods

It is increasingly recognised that it is not just our homes, but also the neighbourhoods where we live that have a significant role in keeping us well and independent as we grow older.

Social Housing Allocation and Homelessness

This research provides an interesting insight into the different housing allocation mechanisms employed by social housing providers across the European Union.

Aging, Living Arrangements, and Housing in China

Grounded in a literature review, current living arrangements and housing conditions of the elderly in China are investigated with new empirical evidence. Survey data of September 2009 included a total of 692 Chinese households with a focus on elderly members.

Aging in Place: A State Survey of Livability Policies and Practices

This US research builds upon earlier work to offer state legislators and officials concrete examples of state laws, policies and programs that foster aging in place.

Age, Home and Community: A Strategy for Housing for Scotland’s Older People: 2012 - 2021

With the twin challenges of an ageing population and reduced availability of public funding, we need to change the way we deliver services to focus on those which help support independent living and prevent or reduce the need for more intensive services. This will not only achieve what older people want, but will also help us to make the best use of our limited resources.

Housing an Ageing Population: The Extra Care Solution

The aim of this UK report is to contribute to the debate on the future of extra care housing and add to the recent publications by HAPPI (2010) and the National Housing Federation (2011). There is already a wealth of material on existing types of extra care provision. The external environment is, however, changing.
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