
Aging in Place: A State Survey of Livability Policies and Practices

This US research builds upon earlier work to offer state legislators and officials concrete examples of state laws, policies and programs that foster aging in place.

Housing an Ageing Population: The Extra Care Solution

The aim of this UK report is to contribute to the debate on the future of extra care housing and add to the recent publications by HAPPI (2010) and the National Housing Federation (2011). There is already a wealth of material on existing types of extra care provision. The external environment is, however, changing.

Age, Home and Community: A Strategy for Housing for Scotland’s Older People: 2012 - 2021

With the twin challenges of an ageing population and reduced availability of public funding, we need to change the way we deliver services to focus on those which help support independent living and prevent or reduce the need for more intensive services. This will not only achieve what older people want, but will also help us to make the best use of our limited resources.

Ageing in Place in the European Union

Ageing in Place in the EU context tends to focus on the provision of support and services to older persons to enable them to remain in their own homes for as long as they can, and in environments that are enabling.

Evaluation of the extra care housing initiative: PSSRU technical report

A central principle underlying the policy of recent UK governments has been to help people maintain their independence in their own homes for as long as possible. More recently, policies have emphasised the personalisation of services, with the aim of giving people greater choice and control over the services they receive.

Needs and care of older people living at home in Iceland

The Icelandic old-age care system is universal and the official goal is to support older people live independently for as long as possible. The aim of this study is to describe the living conditions and needs of older people in Iceland and how these needs are met. The new survey ICEOLD is used to examine formal and informal care and the relationship between these spheres.

Historical and Global Perspectives on Social Policy and “Aging in Community”

This article provides an understanding of the changing fields of aging, family, community, and social policy. Going beyond a current trend of “aging in place”, it reviews community care that once dominated social policy dialog in the United Kingdom, as well as community service that was once regarded as a main solution to the social issues of reformist China.

Evaluating Extra Care Housing for Older People in England: A Comparative Cost and Outcome Analysis with Residential Care

The appropriate response to the housing and care needs of an ageing population is much debated in the policy and practice literature in England, alongside considerations of how to ensure affordable and sustainable funding.

The Nordic Model: evolutions in care and space for the dependant ageing in Sweden with some relevance to Denmark and Norway

During the 20th century, the Nordic countries, Denmark with Faroe Islands and Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, have realized five different but similar-looking welfare states, in which social services are distributed in an egalitarian and uniform way. This paper focuses on eldercare and architecture intended to be used for eldercare.
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