
Ageing in Place Down Under

This paper explores the concept of Ageing in Place and how it is currently understood in Australia.

Partnerships Among Community Development, Public Health, And Health Care Could Improve The Well-Being Of Low-Income People

Community development is an enterprise that helps low-income people and communities by giving them access to financing and other tools to build affordable housing, start businesses, and build community facilities such as charter schools, health clinics, and child care centers. In short, community development helps make struggling communities more vibrant economically and stronger socially.

Living Arrangements of the Elderly in China: Evidence from CHARLS

Population is rapidly aging in China. The number of people 60+ is expected to reach 30% of the population in 2050. Unlike developed countries where almost all elderly have access to social security, family has been the main source of support for Chinese elderly, especially in rural areas where the majority of Chinese elderly reside.

Ageing in Place in the European Union

Ageing in Place in the EU context tends to focus on the provision of support and services to older persons to enable them to remain in their own homes for as long as they can, and in environments that are enabling.

Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research study was designed to explore the issues that relate to private rental and people on a low income using three sources for data collection: • A review of the literature and policy environment surrounding private rental in Australia and Victoria • A collection of quantitative data from service providers and government agencies. • Interviews to explore the experiences of individuals, se

Housing and Health in Older People: Ageing in Place

Housing has a clear impact on the health of occupants. Affordable and appropriate housing protects people from hazards and promotes good health and wellbeing. In this paper we briefly review the demography and housing patterns of older people in New Zealand.

The New Homelessness Revisited

The ‘new homelessness’ has drawn sustained attention from scholars over the past three decades. Definitional inconsistencies and data limitations rendered early work during this period largely speculative in nature. Thanks to conceptual, theoretical, and methodological progress, however, the research literature now provides a fuller understanding of homelessness.

Surveying Older Adults’ Opinions on Housing: Recommendations for Policy

There is paucity of research investigating opinions and attitudes of seniors 55 years of age and older in relation to housing accommodation and services sensitive to the needs of the senior population. We describe the results of a cross-sectional survey soliciting opinions and attitudes of seniors in British Columbia with respect to a variety of housing issues, including home ownership and home

Allocating social housing: opportunities and challenges

The aims of this UK report are to: • Support debate about challenges to existing approaches to allocations and to stimulate ideas about new approaches to allocations • Develop a robust understanding of options for new approaches to allocations and their likely implications for households, communities, organisations and government • Inform emerging practice in allocations within organisations • Con
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