
The Achievements of a Multiservice Project for Older Homeless People

The aim of this article is to assess the ways in which older homeless people can be helped to return to more conventional accommodation and lives.

Housing Elderly People in Japan

The problem of providing housing for the aging society of Japan is and has been a key issue. Since the speed of aging is so rapid, Japan is facing a serious problem of having to provide buildings and dwelling units that will be suitable for use by elderly persons in a very short time.

Housing and Health in Older People: Ageing in Place

In this paper we briefly review the demography and housing patterns of older people in New Zealand. We describe the impact of New Zealand’s climate and housing construction on health, before reviewing some significant health problems exacerbated by the indoor environment: respiratory conditions, coronary disease and hypothermia.

Housing implications of population ageing in Australia

The ageing of the population is recognised as one of the major changes facing Australia at the turn of the century. The future effects of population ageing can be anticipated because the next cohort of older people already are in late middle age. Similarly, the stock of dwellings in the housing market is long lasting and only 1– 2 per cent of additional dwellings are built each year.

Policy Implications of the Ageing of Australia’s Population

The ageing of the population is recognised as one of the major changes facing Australia at the turn of the century. Processes of individual and population aging have major implications for the changing composition and use of the nation’s housing stock.

Nursing homes in 10 nations: a comparison between countries and settings

The objective of this paper is to describe and compare the long-term care systems in 10 countries participating in studies employing the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) and to place them in the context of the changing population dynamics in each country.

Policy Implications of the Ageing of Australia’s Population

The conference explored a broad range of key issues to do with ageing, including its effects on economic growth, government revenue and expenditure in the long run, superannuation, health, the provision of long term care and housing arrangements. This publication brings together the papers, discussants’ comments and summaries of general discussion in each session.

Current and Emerging Issues in Housing Environments for the Elderly

This essay is in six main sections. It begins with a general inventory of the housing problems of the elderly that considers dwelling-specific items as well as the need for supportive services.

Housing of the Elderly in Ireland

The report has a number of underlying criteria which can be stated as follows: (a) The desire to retain independence and/or to remain living in the community should be respected at all times.

Housing and Older People: time for fresh thinking and new ideas

In 2001 the UK Government set out its vision in ‘Quality And Choice For Older People’s Housing: A Strategic Framework’. This stated that ‘ ... housing... can be the springboard that enables older people to remain involved and live their lives to the full.’ This paper examines the problems and provides action plans.
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