Private Rental
Nowhere To Go - Older Women and Housing Vulnerability
In 2011, according to ABS Census data, there were 135,494 women aged 55 and older in the private rental market, up from 91,549 who were counted in the 2006 Census. These figures are likely to underestimate the real number of older women who are renters, especially those with an informal or sublet rental agreement.
The Ache for Home: A Plan to Address Chronic Homelessness and Housing Unaffordability in Australia
Australia has a crisis in the supply
of social and affordable housing.
This is evidenced by the hundreds
of thousands who are experiencing
homelessness, on wait-lists for
public housing, or living in severe
housing stress. Taken together, the
statistics tell us that across Australia
there are over 105,000 people
experiencing homelessness and
875,000 households experiencing
housing stress.
Chapter 9: Housing and economic security in retirement
This chapter of the report 'A husband is not a retirement plan' - Achieving economic security for women in retirement (Commonwealth of Australia, 2016), discusses the increase in the number of Australians, particularly women, who are relying on private rental accommodation in retirement.
A number of participants in the inquiry highlighted the interrelationship between housing and econom
Small area Indicators of Wellbeing for Older Australians (IWOA)
This work has identified a number of indicators of wellbeing for older people, and then brought these together into an index.
The role of private rental support programs in housing outcomes for vulnerable Australians
In the last two decades Australia’s rental landscape has been redrawn. As social housing has become focussed on those most in need, and home ownership has become less affordable, the private rental market has become increasingly important.
More NZ retirees will become homeless
New Zealand is facing a growing population of homeless older people.
The Salvation Army has released new research estimating that by 2030, 200,000 retirement-aged won't own a house and will be unable to afford rent.
The role of private rental support programs in housing outcomes for vulnerable Australians
This report is the first output from a study that will shed light on the present role of brokerage programs and their role in the private rental housing market.
The Future of Housing and the Built Environment in an Ageing Population
This document reflects the discussions in a UK Government Office for Science meeting held to gather the views of a sample of people with experience in the issues raised by the ageing population, specifically housing.
Homeless Baby Boomers - Housing Poorer Baby Boomers in their Retirement
This report considers the challenges New Zealand faces with an increasing number of people reaching retirement age as tenants. These challenges not only include those around adequacy of income but also those around availability and access to suitable housing. In addition there is an overlaying challenge of the sheer number of people reaching retirement age over the next decade.
Supply shortages and affordability outcomes in the private rental sector: short and longer term trends
This report found there was a shortage of 271 000 affordable and available rental dwellings for very-low-income households in 2011, an increase of 60 000 since 2006.
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