Private Rental

Why secure and affordable housing is an increasing worry for age pensioners

The average housing costs of older (65-plus) outright homeowners in lone-person households were A$38 a week in 2013-14, the Australian Bureau of Statistics calculated, compared to $103 for older social housing tenants and $232 for older private renters. Fortunately, over the last several decades almost all Australians who depend on the age pension for their income have been outright homeowners, a

Single Ageing Women & Housing Security: A Pilot Study of Women Living in the Cities of Unley and Salisbury

Ageing is a policy challenge for all levels of government within Australia, as it is for societies the world over. In many respects, Australia is in an enviable position with respect to ageing strategies, possessing comparatively strong health, welfare and superannuation systems, a relatively strong economy and a high standard of living.

On the Edge: the Financial Situation of Older Renters in the Private Rental Market in Sydney

In this study, based mainly on 17 in‐depth interviews, I explore the financial implications of being an older private renter in Sydney. I illustrate that there are three key factors which determine their degree of financial stress – the actual rent being paid; the degree of support from family members and whether the older renter is living in a single or couple household.

The Housing Older People Would Choose: A Review of Selected New Zealand Research

This report has been developed to think about the ‘housing older people would choose’ by reviewing research data from New Zealand primary research into older people’s housing choices and patterns of residential movement. It focuses on what the platform of research tells us about: the characteristics and amenities that older people consider important in their housing and living environment; the re

Seniors Housing - Issues Identification Paper

This issues paper considers the housing experiences of seniors in Auckland, with a focus on vulnerable groups (asset poor renters and owner‐occupiers in a financially vulnerable situation). Community and Social Policy have identified housing issues facing seniors to be an emerging policy area for investigation. Auckland’s population is growing, and becoming older.

Homes and ageing in England

The recent changes to the UK health system, with local authorities now responsible for public health, provide a great opportunity to build more integrated approaches to improvements in prevention and reductions in need for costly health care. There is a strong case to be made for prevention through core housing improvements.

The role of private rental support programs in housing outcomes for vulnerable Australians

This report is the first output from a study that will shed light on the present role of brokerage programs and their role in the private rental housing market.

More NZ retirees will become homeless

New Zealand is facing a growing population of homeless older people. The Salvation Army has released new research estimating that by 2030, 200,000 retirement-aged won't own a house and will be unable to afford rent.

The Future of Housing and the Built Environment in an Ageing Population

This document reflects the discussions in a UK Government Office for Science meeting held to gather the views of a sample of people with experience in the issues raised by the ageing population, specifically housing.

Homeless Baby Boomers - Housing Poorer Baby Boomers in their Retirement

This report considers the challenges New Zealand faces with an increasing number of people reaching retirement age as tenants. These challenges not only include those around adequacy of income but also those around availability and access to suitable housing. In addition there is an overlaying challenge of the sheer number of people reaching retirement age over the next decade.
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