Private Rental

A Profile of Maine’s Older Population and Housing Stock

Maine has the highest proportion of people aged 55 and older in the country, and the size of the older population is projected to grow. This demographic trend raises a number of concerns, not least of which is the adequacy and affordability of Maine’s housing stock to meet the needs of the state’s older population.

Ending and Preventing Older Women's Experience of Homelessness in Australia

Older, single women are increasingly vulnerable to housing stress, insecurity and homelessness.

The situation of older people becoming homeless

A presentation outlining the problems England and Wales are currently facing in the area of an increasingly ageing homeless demographic.

Homes and ageing in England

The recent changes to the UK health system, with local authorities now responsible for public health, provide a great opportunity to build more integrated approaches to improvements in prevention and reductions in need for costly health care. There is a strong case to be made for prevention through core housing improvements.

The impact of Rent Assistance on housing affordability for low-income renters

The Commonwealth Government’s $3.6 billion annual Rent Assistance program is not helping all those Australians who need it. Problems in the design of the Rent Assistance program, combined with inadequate levels of Allowance payments for unemployed people and students, are exacerbating the extreme rates of housing stress that are impacting hundreds of thousands of individuals and families.

The impact of Rent Assistance on housing affordability for low-income renters: Australia

Rent Assistance has failed to keep up with surging rental costs. Increases to Age and Disability Support Pension payments, since a one-off increase in 2009 of $32 per week, have helped reduce the numbers of these pensioners paying more than half of their income in rent.

Security of tenure for the ageing population in Western Australia Does current housing legislation support Seniors’ ongoing housing needs?

The genesis of this research commenced several years ago as the impact of Western Australia’s ‘resources boom’ was becoming evident. . Although that period augured in years of prosperity for some Western Australians, for many – especially those on lower and fixed incomes – the rising cost of living became problematic.

Quality and choice for older people's housing: what can a new Private Rental Sector offer?

The past two years (2012-2013) have seen a growing interest in the potential role of a ‘new PRS’ in delivering quality housing and greater tenure choice ... with media interest, conferences and reports, a government Private Rented Sector Taskforce and funding for Build to Rent.

Changes in the supply of affordable housing in the private rental sector for lower income households, 2006–11

Almost one in four Australian households rent their housing in the private rental sector including many lower income households.

Security of tenure for the ageing population of Western Australia — does current housing legislation support seniors' ongoing housing needs?

The genesis of this research commenced several years ago as the impact of Western Australia’s ‘resources boom’ was becoming evident. Although that period augured in years of prosperity for some Western Australians, for many – especially those on lower and fixed incomes – the rising cost of living became problematic.
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