Private Rental

Changes in the supply of affordable housing in the private rental sector for lower income households, 2006–11

Almost one in four Australian households rent their housing in the private rental sector including many lower income households.

Security of tenure for the ageing population of Western Australia — does current housing legislation support seniors' ongoing housing needs?

The genesis of this research commenced several years ago as the impact of Western Australia’s ‘resources boom’ was becoming evident. Although that period augured in years of prosperity for some Western Australians, for many – especially those on lower and fixed incomes – the rising cost of living became problematic.

The Trajectory Towards Marginality: How Do Older Australians Find Themselves Dependent on the Private Rental Market?

For older Australians being dependent on the private rental market is usually associated with serious financial hardship and insecurity. This article examines the housing careers of older Australians who are dependent on the private rental market. The article explores the trajectory into the private rental market and finds a crucial factor was an inability to access social housing.

The experience of marginal rental housing in Australia

This is the Final Report of a research project on contemporary marginal rental housing in Australia.

Long-term private rental in a changing Australian private rental sector

This is the Final Report of an Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) funded project which provides a comprehensive account of the characteristics of the contemporary private rental sector (PRS) in Australia, including changes in recent decades.

The desire to age in place among older Australians

Many older Australians report a desire to age in place. This bulletin explores the relationship between this desire and the housing circumstances of older Australians of different tenure types; that is, those who own their home outright, those paying a mortgage and those who rent their home either privately or through social housing.

Meeting the Housing Needs of Vulnerable Homeless People in Northern Ireland

This policy review focuses on the use of the private rented sector in Northern Ireland to house vulnerable (chronically) homeless people. As the supply of social housing comes under intense pressure in Northern Ireland, the possibilities for using the private rented sector as an alternative source of accommodation for homeless people are now being explored.

Market Assessment of Housing Options for Older People

This UK study addresses three broad groups of questions: - Choice, availability and affordability: If an older person or couple is thinking about moving, do they have a wide enough choice of suitable housing? Are developers and providers offering what older people want (and if not, why not)?

Housing as a Platform for Improving Outcomes for Older Renters

This paper focuses on low-income older renters and how housing can provide a platform for supporting their independence and well-being.The paper: - provides context for the important role of housing and neighborhoods in supporting independence for older Americans generally and low-income older renters in particular -presents a conceptual framework for the pathways between the housing and servic

Housing our ageing population

If ever confirmation was required of the importance of housing provision for an ageing population, it came with the announcement of the 2011 census results for England and Wales on 16 July 2012.
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