Private Rental

Demographic Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Housing Markets

With the aging of the Baby Boomers, America’s population of seniors is growing and diversifying fast. Fewer seniors are disabled and more of them are financially independent, but the sheer size of the Baby Boom generation means that a large increase in the absolute number of seniors facing housing affordability and independent living challenges is inevitable.

Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research project was developed by Wesley Mission Victoria and the Tenants Union of Victoria to build a better understanding of issues related to the private rental market that are affecting families on low incomes, using the Eastern Metropolitan Region as an example. The report discusses findings across the board in terms of age, income and other areas of difficulties facing renters in the p

The social worlds of older public and private renters in Sydney

This paper explores the social worlds of older private and public renters in Sydney, Australia. Drawing on 56 in - depth interviews, it argues that the cost of accommodation and security of tenure played a pivotal role in shaping the social connections and leisure activity of the interviewees.

The ‘Average’ Victorian Private Tenant

The TUV analysed ABS Census data from 2011 and identified the "average" characteristics of tenants in the Victorian private rental market. The entire tenant population in Victoria is approximately 1.26 million people, roughly one million of which (83.3%) live in privately rented housing.

Social Housing Allocation and Homelessness

This research provides an interesting insight into the different housing allocation mechanisms employed by social housing providers across the European Union.

The effect of housing on the mental health of older people: the impact of lifetime housing history in Whitehall II

Self-reported mental health generally improves by early old age, but social class differences in anxiety and depression increase with age. In this UK study, social inequalities in both self-reported mental health and general health increased in early old age, as the rate of improvement in mental health was less for those in the lower employment grades.

Housing Loneliness and Health

This Essay asks whether housing, loneliness and health are connected in contemporary Australia, and if they are, is it a nexus that can be addressed positively through housing policy.

Ageing and Quality of Life - New Responses from the Real Estate Sector in Portugal

Europe in the 21st century will have to cater to the needs of an elderly population in transformation. Portugal is also part of this process.

Secure occupancy in rental housing: conceptual foundations and comparative perspectives

This report is concerned with the nature of housing occupancy for households that rent, particularly low-income and vulnerable households.

Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research study was designed to explore the issues that relate to private rental and people on a low income using three sources for data collection: • A review of the literature and policy environment surrounding private rental in Australia and Victoria • A collection of quantitative data from service providers and government agencies. • Interviews to explore the experiences of individuals, se
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