Private Rental

Social Housing Allocation and Homelessness

This research provides an interesting insight into the different housing allocation mechanisms employed by social housing providers across the European Union.

Contentment and suffering: the impact of Australia's housing policy and tenure on older Australians.

Post WWII, the housing policy of successive Australian governments has focused on facilitating the expansion of home ownership. This policy has enabled a large proportion of older Australians to acquire their own homes.

Comparing the Life Circumstances of Older Public Housing Tenants to Older Private Renters in Sydney

Due to a virtual freeze on the building of new public housing and a decline in housing affordability, an ever-increasing number of older Australians are dependent on the private rental market for their accommodation. Using in-depth interviews, the situations of older renters in Sydney, in public housing and private rented accommodation who are dependent mainly on the age pension are compared.

The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters

The project aims to examine the effects of divorce, separation or bereavement on the housing & related financial circumstances of people aged 50+ in different housing tenures, in particular, those on income support programmes.

The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters

This report aims to examine the effects of divorce, separation or bereavement on the housing and related financial circumstances of people aged 50 or over in different housing tenures, and in particular those on income support payments.

Developing Appropriate Housing for Low-Income Older Persons: A Survey of Section 202 and LIHTC Property Managers

The rental housing crisis in America is having a profound impact on renters of all ages, including older residents. The federal government has responded over the years with a variety of housing strategies to help alleviate the problem.

Research Update: Older People

An update on UK research being undertaken in a variety of areas relevant to homelessness and older adults. Resettling Older Homeless People, Older People in the Private Rented Sector, Care-Home Residents’ Experiences of Relocation, Older People’s Participation in Mental Health Research

Policy Implications of the Ageing of Australia’s Population

The ageing of the population is recognised as one of the major changes facing Australia at the turn of the century. Processes of individual and population aging have major implications for the changing composition and use of the nation’s housing stock.

Housing implications of population ageing in Australia

The ageing of the population is recognised as one of the major changes facing Australia at the turn of the century. The future effects of population ageing can be anticipated because the next cohort of older people already are in late middle age. Similarly, the stock of dwellings in the housing market is long lasting and only 1– 2 per cent of additional dwellings are built each year.
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