Private Rental

What Are the Structural Barriers to Planning for Later Life? A Scoping Review of the Literature

This review draws on Street and Desai (2011) to characterise planning as the range of activities people deliberately pursue with the aim of achieving desired outcomes in later life.

'One rent increase from disaster’ Older renters living on the edge in Western Australia

Recent trends in Australia indicate homelessness and the risk of homelessness is increasing for low income older households. The Ageing on the Edge Project is a five year initiative (2016–2020) that aims to gather evidence and conduct research that supports a compelling need for better housing and support services for older people. This is the third report produced as part of this project.

Housing in an ageing Australia: Nest and nest egg?

Homeownership serves multiple purposes over the life cycle: It acts as a home as well as a store of wealth to guarantee financial security in retirement. Its lack in old age compromises security of both tenure and finances. Much has been written about housing and homeownership. Here we apply the prism of population ageing to bring new insights to the topic. This brief is in three parts.

Mortgage stress and precarious home ownership: implications for older Australians

This research investigated the growing numbers of middle aged and older Australians who are carrying mortgage debt into retirement and paying off higher levels of debt relative to house values and income. Between 1987 and 2015, mortgage debt among older mortgagors increased by 600 per cent (from $27,000 to over $185,000).

Fall in ageing Australians’ home-ownership rates looms

According to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Income and Housing, home-ownership rates among Australians aged 55-64 years dropped from 86% to 81% between 2001 and 2016. Mortgage burdens have spiked in the 55-64 age group. In 2001 roughly 80% were mortgage-free. By 2016 this had plummeted to only 56%. Indebtedness is even growing among owners aged 65 and over.

The Next Gen of Renters: Mom and Dad

This article presents findings from a US in-depth research study on renter demographics and found that, as the 60+ cohort grew bigger and faster, it also helped push the national median age from 36.7 in 2007 to 38.1 in 2017—the highest it’s ever been.

Ageing with Choice Future directions for seniors housing 2019–2024

Like most developed countries, Australia has an ageing population. The number of people in WA aged 65 or over is projected to grow by 40 per cent to more than 500,000 by 2026. Without access to suitable, affordable homes, more older people will struggle to balance housing and living costs or will be living in homes they cannot manage or maintain.

Women and Housing Policy (APR 2019)

Women’s economic and other inequality creates disadvantage in accessing housing, including housing insecurity and homelessness. Women’s disadvantage occurs in the context of an Australian housing market characterised by a lack of affordable rental housing, together with tightly targeted social housing with long waiting lists. This has led to the emergence of a cohort of people on low incomes

The Renters Journey

Report following the rental experiences of four key groups of renters: women aged 55 and over, low income families, newly arrived migrants and young renters. Journey mapping with four key groups of renters, exploring common and unique experiences and pain points.

Older Renters Struggling with Affordability, Insecurity, and Lack of Agency

This paper highlights the results of UK's Generation Rent’s 2019 survey of private renters.
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