Social Housing

The Role of Supportive Housing for Low-Income Seniors in Ontario

Low-income seniors’ ability to age at home, with supports available to accommodate their changing needs, is an issue of critical importance to all Canadians. This research investigates housing and care options for low-income seniors in Ontario, a population at higher risk of poor health outcomes as they age.

An Overlooked Option in Caring for the Elderly: A report on sheltered and group housing provided by housing associations in Ireland

It is generally recognised that housing and care options for the elderly in Ireland are limited. This study comprises analysis of both group housing schemes for relatively active elderly as well as sheltered housing for those older people who require more intensive care and supports to assist them to live independently.

Elderly Housing

This paper will begin with a brief account of the development of public housing for the elderly and this will serve as a background for the discussion of existing policies. This will be followed by a discussion on policies that have been formulated since the 1970s to house the elderly, particularly policy papers and Working Party reports published in the last twenty years.

The Housing Problems of the Future Elderly Population

The focus of this report is on how the current unmet shelter and care needs of older Americans will change over the next twenty years – in 2020. It has four goals: 1. To investigate the growth in the current number of older households that will be at risk of occupying unaffordable housing in poor physical condition; 2.

Elderly Homeless Men and Women: Aged Care's Forgotten People

Abstract In spite of Australia having an aged-care system that provides a wide range of residential and community-based, aged-care services to elderly men and women, which are appropriately monitored and audited, homeless people have historically found it difficult or impossible to access those services.
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