
UK housing crisis is hitting older people too, not just the young

Britain’s housing shortage is never far from the top of the political agenda.

Metro-based retirees affected by housing affordability

The latest Milliman Retirement Expectations and Spending Profiles report found that those retires who rent privately in Sydney saw their annual cost of living two-thirds higher in order to enjoy the same life quality as homeowners.

Housing affordability crisis is bad for Gen Y but worse for Baby Boomers

Australia has the second-highest rate of poverty among those on pensions in all OECD nations. Our retirement system basically takes the inequality that exists in our society at the moment and then magnifies it in retirement.

Growing old better by growing old amongst friends: the rise of third age cooperatives

This article looks at the co-housing option for the elderly in Spain. The case study is the dream of a group of people who one day decided they neither wanted to be shut away in an old people’s home nor to depend on their children. Given the lack of options, they came up with their own solution: to grow old among friends.

Housing affordability is not just about youth. 15,000 seniors are homeless

As hard as it is for young people to get a foot on the property ladder, it’s even harder for pensioners and low to middle income renters to get a foot in the door ... any door. Private rental accommodation is now more unaffordable than owner-occupied. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, people who rent spend more of their income on housing than people with a mortgage.

Number of homeless elderly people surges by 100 per cent in seven years

The number of elderly people becoming homeless in England has surged by 100 per cent in seven years.

Three charts on: poorer Australians bearing the brunt of rising housing cost

Rising housing costs are hurting low-income Australians the most. Those at the bottom end of the income spectrum are much less likely to own their own home than in the past, are often spending more of their income on rent, and are more likely to be living a long way from where most jobs are being created.

Housing costs force Queensland’s age pensioners into poverty

Queensland couples who rely on the age pension and rent in the private market are at the greatest risk of living in poverty compared to other seniors.

Homeless in Paris: The Darker Side of the City of Light

Official statistics from 2012 put the number of people living without shelter in France at 141,500, an increase of 44% since 2001. Broadly speaking, homelessness is a middle-aged problem. Almost half of people living on the street are between the ages of 30 and 49, compared with 26% of people over 18 and 25% over 50.

'Ticking time bomb': Older Australians face housing crisis

Australian retirees will face a housing crisis within 15 years unless urgent action is taken, according to the Council on the Ageing. It drew attention to the impact on older Australians of rising prices, rising rents, huge mortgage debt and the scarcity of suitable homes. The assumption that Australians retire in a home they own underpins the nation’s superannuation and pension systems, but thi
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