
Youths living with the elderly – a Finnish example

A pilot program in Finland sees a small group of young people live together with seniors in a Helsinki home, in return for spending a number of hours a week with their elderly neighbours. The project aims to prevent homelessness in young people by helping them with secure and affordable housing, while at the same time increasing social interactions of the senior residents.

Sensible reform to finance affordable housing deserves cross-party support

Like Australia, the UK has a serious problem with housing affordability and supply, made worse by policy and market settings that fuel instability in rental housing.

Between medical costs, food, seniors find it harder to make rent in Portland

Portland, Oregon's rising rents are seeing an increase in the homeless population, and those at risk of homelessness, particularly among the 55+population, which has seen a jump of 23% between 2013 - 2015. A not-for-profit is trying to launch a test program to provide long-term vouchers to about 50 people on fixed incomes to help them cover their rent so they can stay in their apartment or m

Co-housing works well for older people , once they get past the image problem

Housing Australia’s ageing population in homes that are affordable, accessible and sustainable presents a major challenge, particularly in a time of rising housing costs. Many fail to anticipate the health and financial challenges that can diminish their housing choices as they age.

The downsizing cost traps awaiting Australian retirees – here are five reasons to be wary

This article debunks the myth of zero housing costs in retirement. The concept of zero housing costs in retirement is based on a 1940s view of a well-maintained, single dwelling on a single allotment of land where the mortgage has been paid off.

Housing affordability is not just about youth. 15,000 seniors are homeless

Private rental accommodation is now more unaffordable than owner-occupied. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, people who rent, spend more of their income on housing than people with a mortgage.

Seizing the 'New Town' opportunity

The development of new towns presents a unique opportunity to plan and build communities which enable older people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. In this article, we explore the opportunities arising at Northstowe, a new town of 10,000 homes in South Cambridgeshire. The vision for Northstowe is a bold one.

Pop-up shelter for older women under housing stress to open in Melbourne

Women over 55 currently sleeping rough or in severe housing stress will be able to seek shelter in new pop-up accommodation in Melbourne’s City of Port Phillip. A 55-room aged care facility known as Claremont Home, operated by CaSPA Care, is currently vacant awaiting master planning for redevelopment.

What can Australia learn from Finland's housing solution?

Eoin O'Sullivan, editor of the European Journal of Homelessness, says that Finland had investigated the issue of homelessness and decided "it's not that complex". "They said 'the first thing we need to deal with people's issues is housing', so they built a lot of housing for homeless people,"

Three reasons the government promotes home ownership for older Australians

Government strategies to manage population ageing largely assume that older Australians are home owners. There is often an implied association between home ownership and ageing well: that is, older Australians who own homes are seen as having made the right choices and as being less of a budget burden. The problem with this approach is that not everyone is or can be a home owner.
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