
Down and out in upscale Japan

A newly released government survey found that Tokyo's homeless population has reached an all-time low. But critics call the survey incomplete and misleading, and yet another effort to look past a population that is contending with growing economic disparity, Homelessness was a problem that was largely unknown until the economic bubble burst in the early 1990s and unemployment rose sharply.

Nursing homes in Cuba are few, poor and underserved

A comparative study of the results between the Census of Population and Housing and the Health Statistical Yearbooks for 2002 and 2012, reveal the increase in the number of elderly people in Cuba and the decreased ability of nursing homes to care for them. In 2013, only 1 in 274 of the elderly had the possibility of being received full time into nursing homes.

Scandal of Europe's 11m empty homes

More than 11m homes lie empty across Europe – enough to house all of the continent's homeless twice over. Housing campaigners said the incredible number of homes lying empty while millions of poor people were crying out for shelter was a shocking waste. "It's incredible.

Sisters, other Catholics, care for elderly in Cuba

The need for care and accommodation for an ageing population of the poor in Cuba is being addressed by the Catholic Church. This article looks at two different care models.

Old age far from gentle for Japan's graying homeless

Homelessness in Japan is a decades-old issue, yet it has a worrying new twist.

Wohnfabrik Solinsieme. A Swiss example of co-housing for older people

Architectural description of the Wohnfabrik Solinsieme housing co-operative for older people in Switzerland.

Alternative retirements: from eco-retreats to communes

Nursing homes and aged care facilities don’t appeal to everyone. A growing number of older people in Australia are starting to look for alternatives for their retirement.

Aging in Community: The Communitarian alternative to aging in place, alone

The prospect of aging, particularly in our culture rampant with ageism, is disconcerting, even frightening to many people. These feelings were the impetus for a small group of us to gather in 1999.

Developing Adaptable Housing for the Elderly, Also a Path to Sustainability

This article looks at why we must think about architecture and urban planning in terms of adaptability for the aging.

Affordable housing is a problem for older Australians, too

Seniors are often overlooked in discussions of housing affordability. This may be because there is a perception that they have bought, and paid off, their homes. However, housing availability and affordability present significant difficulties for many older people. Contrary to popular belief, many older people are not home owners or choose (or can afford) to live in retirement villages.
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