
Alternative retirements: from eco-retreats to communes

Nursing homes and aged care facilities don’t appeal to everyone. A growing number of older people in Australia are starting to look for alternatives for their retirement.

Aging in Community: The Communitarian alternative to aging in place, alone

The prospect of aging, particularly in our culture rampant with ageism, is disconcerting, even frightening to many people. These feelings were the impetus for a small group of us to gather in 1999.

Developing Adaptable Housing for the Elderly, Also a Path to Sustainability

This article looks at why we must think about architecture and urban planning in terms of adaptability for the aging.

The Village Movement: Redefining Aging in Place

The principles of the Village Movement are simple: Instead of leaving their homes for senior housing or assisted living, a group of residents in a given community, typically age 50 and older, form a non-profit membership organization to provide access to services that support their goal of remaining at home as long as possible.

Cities face challenge of an age-old problem

Urbanisation and aging: the trend in western societies is irreversible. If they are not to spawn ghettos and places of exclusion, cities – and urban planning generally – need to be revisited. A paradigm shift is more necessary than ever. We need to build cities geared to aging – cities where the built environment encourages active aging.

Housing Jamaica's Ageing Population

Jamaica's downward trend in the population growth, combined with an upward trend in the aged proportion of the population, forces one to examine the implications for the country's housing and infrastructure development. While the declining population growth suggests a downward pressure on the housing deficit and perhaps a lessening of the challenge for planning and infrastructure develo

Are urban environments best for an ageing population?

For an ageing society to function there needs to be a movement back to the cities – but cities need to be adapted and designed with this in mind. A UK article looking at strategies for creating age-friendly cities.

Senior Care in China: Challenges and Opportunities

In 2012, China’s National Bureau of Statistics announced that China now has roughly 185 million people over the age of 60. A 2007 study by the United Nations estimated that in 2005 there were 16 retired people in China to every 100 workers. The study projected that this ratio will reach 64 elderly for every 100 workers by 2025.

Specs and the city: planning for an ageing urban population

Creating communities that meet the needs and aspirations of older people is now a major concern for social and public policy. Involving older people in the social and economic life of cities will be a crucial task for urban development in the years ahead.

Environmental Sustainable Initiatives Clarence Village Independent Living Units

Clarence Village Limited responded to NSW and Federal Government incentive programs to invest in grid connect 1.5KW solar energy systems on each of its 73 Independent Living Units. Each of the 73 residents of Clarence Village voluntarily joined with the company to make the Village the first among it’s peers on the North Coast to become a Green Village.
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