
Institute for Aging Research study finds Boston's elderly homeless sicker than others

A striking portrait of the health of Boston's elderly homeless population is emerging from a new study by the Institute for Aging Research of Hebrew SeniorLife, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School.

Elder Cohousing A new option for retirement - or sooner!

Across the US, senior cohousing is turning into an increasingly popular option for baby boomers and older adults. This article examines the phenomenon.

Villages: Helping People Age in Place

The concept began in Boston's Beacon Hill neighborhood in 2001, when a group of residents founded a nonprofit called Beacon Hill Village to ease access to the services that often force older Americans to give up their homes and move to a retirement community.

“Shanghai Age Friendly City Housing Renovation Project” Pilot to Renovate Homes for Elderly Residents

Habitat for Humanity China is set to launch its first project in the commercial and financial hub of China after signing a partnership agreement for a pilot project to improve the living conditions of elderly people in Shanghai. This project, similar to one in Hong Kong, HFH China and Habitat volunteers will renovate or repair and generally tidy up homes for up to 20 elderly families in the initi

Contentment and suffering: the impact of Australia's housing policy and tenure on older Australians.

Post WWII, the housing policy of successive Australian governments has focused on facilitating the expansion of home ownership. This policy has enabled a large proportion of older Australians to acquire their own homes.

The Finnish Homelessness Strategy: From a 'Staircase' Model to a "Housing First' Approach to Tackling Long-term Homelessness

This paper reviews the Finnish government’s recently established Programme to Reduce Long-Term Homelessness, which is attempting to halve long-term homelessness over the period 2008 to 2011. It outlines the current homeless situation in Finland and describes the development of the present system of provision.

Village Concept Promotes Aging in Place

The US National Aging in Place Council was founded on the belief that “an overwhelming majority of older Americans want to remain in their homes for as long as possible but there is a lack of awareness of home and community-based services, which help make independent living possible.” With the needs and motivations of the aging population to remain in homes and communities, older adults have foun

A Home We Can All Enjoy - Cohousing for the Elderly

With the UK government’s recent pledge to transform social care funding by introducing individual budgets, some elderly groups are looking at ways to revolutionise their care and accommodation requirements. One such experiment that has largely been ignored by the politicians and local authorities is cohousing.

Elder Cohousing—An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

In the US, a quiet grassroots impulse to reject the common options for housing for older people—retirement homes, nursing homes, and so on, has been growing over the last decades. People are drawn to the idea of an old-fashioned, egalitarian neighborhood where neighbors help one another through the minor challenges of everyday life, and support one another through the major ones.

The New Housemates

Data from the U.S. Census Bureau indicate that about 500,000 women, or a little more than 1% of women 50 and older, currently live with a nonromantic housemate. Experts predict that this will be the norm instead of the exception.
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