
Older renters doing it tough – what’s the answer?

Australia has the highest rate of seniors rental poverty in the OECD. 15% of older Australians don’t own or are paying off their own home. Rental costs have increased significantly over the past 10 years. While rents increased 29 per cent over that period, the Commonwealth Rental Allowance increased by only 23 per cent.

Women are the hidden victims of homelessness — but it isn't just a case of sleeping rough

In Australia, older women are the fastest growing group of people experiencing homelessness. Sleeping in cars or couch surfing are among common options for women. This article looks at the issues surrounding older women and homelessness, positing that a lack of money in superannuation is contributing to the problem

This is how boomers are reinventing retirement living

Today’s target market for senior housing in the US comprises a large and influential demographic. The number of households with people age 80 and over jumped 71% from 4.4 million in 1990 to 7.5 million in 2016.

What Comes After #MyMum – Preventing Homelessness Amongst Australia's Older Women

Older women now represent the fastest growing cohort of Australia’s homeless. In the ACT between 2016-17, women accounted for more than half of the people accessing specialist homelessness and housing services. Compounding an already precarious situation, older women will often find themselves at the mercy of the private rental market.

This new development will provide Seattle’s aging homeless population with housing and health care

As King County’s homeless population ages and grows, shelters, service providers and hospitals are becoming overwhelmed by both the number of clients they serve and the increasingly severe medical conditions those clients face.

The Aging Homeless Population: Our Elders Are Our Responsibility

The percentage of older homeless adults in the US is growing at an alarming rate.

Improving the outcomes for older women at risk of homelessness

Older single women are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in Australia. Why is this?

Hundreds of elderly people could end up in homeless hubs within 5 years, says charity

Hundreds of older people could end up in homeless hubs within five years if measures are not taken to regulate rent increases and protect the housing rights of the ageing population in Ireland. Alone, the national charity for older people in Ireland, believes that unless urgent action is taken, the housing crisis for older people will get worse in the years to come, as more and more people rent f

3 Innovative Senior Housing Projects That Hold Lessons For Nonprofits

Nonprofit senior living providers have historically driven innovation in the field of aged care in the US.

Waiting For The End In Japan's Terminal Villages

Japan has the oldest population of any developed country today. One in four people are aged 65 or over. This aging crisis has affected almost all aspects of life, but perhaps no consequence is more symbolic of this difficult era than that of the terminal village. There are thousands of these villages—or rather technically, hamlets—dotting the Japanese countryside.
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