
'It's shameful': Focus Ireland calls for urgent action to support elderly homeless people

FOCUS IRELAND HAS launched an online campaign calling for the government to take urgent action to ensure no one over the age of 65 is homeless. The latest figures from the Department of Housing show that there were 119 people over 65 years old living in emergency accommodation in February 2018, a 40% increase on the February 2016 figure of 85.

The Village Movement: A Sustainable Model for Aging in Community

In the US, the Village model is gaining national attention as an affordable option for seniors who want to age-in- place. Villages are not-for-profit membership organizations offering comprehensive support and social engagement to seniors wanting to maintain independence. Villages are locally developed (often initiated within neighborhoods), self-governing, and self-supporting.

The many costs of homelessness

Whether short or long-term, homelessness is one of the most severe forms of disadvantage and social exclusion that a person can experience

Public Housing Redevelopments Impact Older Persons’ Health and Wellbeing

The Victorian State Government’s public housing renewal program is a plan to sell land on existing public housing estates to private developers with a return of a ten per cent increase in public housing. This plan includes the relocation of current tenants to other public housing properties.

Independent Living Units: Underfunded and Misunderstood

Australia has an aging population with diverse backgrounds and experiences; 37 per cent of older Australians were born overseas. Historical and contemporary privileges and disadvantages have impacted different Australians’ ability to gain and maintain employment, accrue savings, build financial literacy, contribute to superannuation, own property and prepare for a secure, enjoyable retirement in l

Retired and renting - the trend isn't comforting

The risk is growing that we will see more and more older people living in housing-related poverty. That is one conclusion of the Stocktake of New Zealand's Housing released this week.

Housing Related Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

Older people from CALD backgrounds make up around 25 per cent of all older people in Australia. Though older CALD communities face many of the same barriers to housing experienced by the older population as a whole, such as inappropriate, insecure and unaffordable housing, they are also more likely to encounter additional challenges.

Russia's elderly live rough lives, and the state offers almost no help, but officials say everything is about to change

Responding to widespread criticism of the government’s plan to raise the retirement age, Russia’s state-controlled media has been busy telling readers how important it is to live vigorously into old age. In reality, Russia is a particularly hard place to grow old. When judged on life expectancy and mental well-being, Russia falls to 86th place.

Ageing on the Edge Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project

The Ageing on the Edge Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project is a partnership between Housing for the Aged Action Group HAAG) and the University of Adelaide’s Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning (CHURP). Funded over five years by The Wicking Trust and with principal project leads Jeff Fiedler (HAAG) and Dr Debbie Faulkner (CHURP), the project is addressing the rapidly increasi

Where's the Map? Navigating Australia's Housing and Aged Care Systems

Old age is when a lifetime of inequality, compounded and multiplied from life event to life event, can be in its starkest relief. Some inequality comes in later in life, following adverse life events such as divorce or redundancy.
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