Journal Article

Aging in Place in Israel

Aging in place means that people continue to live in their own homes in their community and in their natural environment, for as long as they are able and interested in doing so. There are two aims, which underlie the approach supporting and encouraging aging in place.

Aging, health and place in residential care facilities in Beijing, China

In recent years, residential care has become an alternative option for elder care in Beijing, China. Little is known, however, about the well-being of elderly residents and the relationship between their health and living in residential care facilities.

The importance of successful place integration for perceived health in very old age: a qualitative meta-synthesis.

The aim of this study was to increase our understanding of the multifaceted phenomenon of home and health, by exploring processes underlying these dynamics when living at home in very old age.

Surveying Older Adults’ Opinions on Housing: Recommendations for Policy

There is paucity of research investigating opinions and attitudes of seniors 55 years of age and older in relation to housing accommodation and services sensitive to the needs of the senior population. We describe the results of a cross-sectional survey soliciting opinions and attitudes of seniors in British Columbia with respect to a variety of housing issues, including home ownership and home

Demographics of Homelessness Series: The Rising Elderly Population

There is some troubling evidence that homelessness in the US is beginning to increase among elderly adults.

Gender roles and social policy in an ageing society: the case of Japan

Throughout history, the Japanese state has been mainly focused on its industrial and economic growth, leaving little room for the development of social policies. Consequently, the Japanese welfare system has relied on the informal care families provide to their members, especially the elderly.

Homelessness among older people and service responses

This paper reviews the limited evidence on the causes of homelessness in old age and on the circumstances and problems of older homeless people, and it describes the few services dedicated to the group.

The New Homelessness Revisited

The ‘new homelessness’ has drawn sustained attention from scholars over the past three decades. Definitional inconsistencies and data limitations rendered early work during this period largely speculative in nature. Thanks to conceptual, theoretical, and methodological progress, however, the research literature now provides a fuller understanding of homelessness.

Self-Managed Co-Housing in France and Germany: Future Prospects in the Context of an Aging Population

Among the various forms of intermediate housing, between residential care and home care, the self-managed group housing of the elderly is still underdeveloped in France.

Factors in social interaction in cohousing communities

Cohousing communities can be considered alternatives for living independently in old age. However, currently the factors that influence the success of these communities are unclear. Based on literature and case studies gathered by students a new interaction- model was created that shows the relevant factors on an individual level.
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