
Ageing in the right place: What works across People, Place and Time?

This presentation looks at the concept and the reality of 'ageing in place' in Australia and Canada. Ageing in place has become a focal concept by policy makers and researchers to create communities that facilitate the preference by older adults to remain in their homes and communities as long as possible.

Nursing for the older people in Japan

The Japanese government is switching its focus in care for the aged from facilities to local communities.

Housing our Ageing Population

The UK housing market is delivering much less specialist housing for older people than is needed.

The challenge of an ageing population to future housing and urban policies

Discusses the impact on public policy, particularly housing, that the demographic changes to Denmark's population will bring. Matching housing demand with supply is a major challenge, with the government's priority of ageing in place.

The ageing population will change demand for housing. In particular, it is likely that more adaptable and specialised housing will be needed.

By 2033, total UK households are projected to increase by 27%. In that time, one-person households are projected to increase by 54%, with half of the growth in the over 65 group. Building suitable new homes and supporting the adaptation of the existing housing stock will be critical as the population ages. (Housing and Neighbourhoods Policy Implication 4.1)

Impacts of the Aging Canadian Population on Housing and Communities

This presentation seeks to Identify the changes in the pattern of housing needs and preferences for requirements for Canada's rapidly ageing population. It will review the main environmental adaptations or modifications to maximize people’s ability to participate in society.

Co-housing in the Netherlands

The idea of co-housing arose at the end of the sixties in the Netherlands and can be described as having a community of people or households, where each household has its own house or apartment. Most co-housing projects consist of rented houses, normally owned by housing cooperatives, which are wide spread in The Netherlands.

The Future of Aged Persons Housing: What role for Independent Living Units?

There is an emerging crisis within housing for older persons in Australia. This paper focuses particularly on the role of independent living units in the future of aged housing.
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