Research Paper
Housing priorities of people with dementia: Security, continuity and support
This report aims to equip housing practitioners and policy-makers with new knowledge about the future housing and support needs of people with dementia.
Australian demographic trends and their implications for housing subsidies
This Positioning Paper is the first output of a project that aims to forecast future housing subsidies that will accompany projected demographic changes and the challenges these trends may pose for the fiscal sustainability of housing policy.
Housing Older Australians: Loss of home ownership and pathways into housing assistance
In Australia and other ‘homeownership societies’ it has been conventional to think of housing pathways in terms of a smooth linear progression, leading to outright ownership in middle age and a retirement buffered by low housing costs. This vision of the welfare role of home ownership is an important buttress of Australian retirement incomes policy.
Aging and resilience: Older women’s responses to change and adversity
The primary objective of the qualitative study was to describe women’s resilience in older adulthood according to older women’s interpretations of their experiences and the contexts of their lives.
At Risk of Homelessness: Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
The Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities project has been a ground-breaking initiative that has aimed to, and succeeded in, significantly improving access to affordable housing options for older people from high need CALD communities in Victoria.When Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) and the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV)
Salem for All Ages
In February 2015, Jewish Family & Children’s Service launched Salem for All Ages, a community-based project designed to build awareness of what it means to be an age-friendly city. Through a series of outreach events and information-gathering activities, this project focused on answering two key questions: What makes Salem a good place to grow older?
Village Life: Independence, Loneliness, and Quality of Life in Retirement Villages with Extra Care
The underlying philosophy behind extra care as a concept when it comes to housing with care is that it offers an alternative to residential care, providing a home for life.
This report surveyed residents in retirement villages that offer extra care support in order to explore three other objectives of extra care housing that have emerged:
• It can promote greater independence and provide greater
The NANA Project - a new architecture for the new aged that advocates a better built environment for older people
For over ten years I have been working, writing and lecturing
on design for the aged and as an architect I have often been
appalled at the environments that people age in. Not only are the traditional ‘nursing home’ and ‘retirement village’ a little outdated, they often create separation and foster ‘otherness’, isolating people from their surrounds and loved ones.
The Meaning of a “Sense of Community” in a Finnish Senior Co-Housing Community
Cohousing schemes are developed to fulfill the need for a housing
type that provides mutual support and social contacts while alleviating the isolation and loneliness often experienced in ordinary neighborhoods.
Aging and homelessness in Canada: A review of frameworks and strategies
This report reviews the literature on housing and re-housing options for homeless older adults.
The first section explains the key terms relevant to this topic.
The second section summarizes the types of housing available for precariously housed older adults in Canada. These include alternative and affordable housing, emergency shelters, and residential or long-term care.
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