Research Paper

Housing Decisions of Older Australians

The growing longevity and ageing of Australia’s population, as well as other structural and demographic changes, elevate the policy imperative to understand what drives the housing decisions of older people and the consequences for their wellbeing. This study aims to explore the drivers of those decisions, as well as some of the barriers to better outcomes.

Seniors downsizing on their own terms: Overcoming planning, legal and policy impediments to the creation of alternative retirement communities

Terms such as ‘ageing in place’ and ‘downsizing’ have become ubiquitous in discourse about the accommodation choices of older people. The terms, while not mutually exclusive, are not necessarily symbiotic and mean different things to different people.

Key characteristics of age-friendly cities and communities: a review.

The structure of this paper is as follows: an overview of the literature review methodology; a summary of age-friendly models and frameworks; a discussion of the key findings of the ageing literature, with reference to specific ageing initiatives and interventions within the urban environment.

Muslims in Australia and their aged care needs: An exploratory study with special reference to South Australia

The Report “MUSLIMS IN AUSTRALIA AND THEIR AGED CARE NEEDS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA” was prepared for the Islamic Information Centre of South Australia (IICSA) as an important step toward making aged care in general, and residential care in particular, responsive to the needs of the Muslim community in South Australia.

Chinese Demographics and Aging, Health, and Place

China faces the need for major reforms in healthcare capacity, coverage, affordability and access for rural populations, migrant workers, and an increasingly aging population. There is a need for more diversity in housing types, increased public infrastructure, and innovative social welfare programs for the rapidly growing aged population, who may no longer be able to depend on children or govern

Public Housing in Crisis

Public housing is full of vibrant communities and great people who help make Melbourne a great place to live.But increasingly, Melbourne’s public housing system is in crisis and 34,000 people languish on waiting lists across Victoria.Since being rst elected in 2010, Adam Bandt’s of ce has been approached by over 600 Melbourne constituents and others regarding public housing.This report analyses 5

The role of private rental support programs in housing outcomes for vulnerable Australians

This report is the first output from a study that will shed light on the present role of brokerage programs and their role in the private rental housing market.

Seniors and Housing: The Challenge Ahead

This Canadian report describes the relationship between an aging population, evolving demands for housing and transportation, and the role being played by municipal governments in building and adapting cities and communities to respond to these changes. The discussion is positioned within the context of major socio-economic trends and policy frameworks in Canada, and the difficult decisions confr

Homeless South Australia: A 2015 stocktake of homelessness issues in South Australia

Homelessness has been at the forefront of public policy debate in South Australia since 2002 when the Rann Labor Government was formed and established its social inclusion initiative.

Housing priorities of people with dementia: Security, continuity and support

This report aims to equip housing practitioners and policy-makers with new knowledge about the future housing and support needs of people with dementia.
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