Public Housing Redevelopments Impact Older Persons’ Health and Wellbeing
The Victorian State Government’s public housing renewal program is a plan to sell land on existing public housing estates to private developers with a return of a ten per cent increase in public housing. This plan includes the relocation of current tenants to other public housing properties.
Independent Living Units: Underfunded and Misunderstood
Australia has an aging population with diverse backgrounds and
experiences; 37 per cent of older Australians were born overseas.
Historical and contemporary privileges and disadvantages have
impacted different Australians’ ability to gain and maintain employment, accrue savings, build financial literacy, contribute to superannuation, own property and prepare for a secure,
enjoyable retirement in l
Housing Related Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
Older people from CALD backgrounds make up around 25 per cent of all older people in Australia. Though older CALD communities face many of the same barriers to housing experienced by the older population as a whole, such as inappropriate, insecure and unaffordable housing, they are also more likely to encounter additional challenges.
Ageing on the Edge Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project
The Ageing on the Edge Older Persons Homelessness Prevention
Project is a partnership between Housing for the Aged Action Group HAAG) and the University of Adelaide’s Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning (CHURP).
Funded over five years by The Wicking Trust and with principal project leads Jeff Fiedler (HAAG) and Dr Debbie
Faulkner (CHURP), the project is addressing the rapidly increasi
Unsettled, Insecure, Expensive and Scarce: The Experience of Renting in Australia
National Shelter increasingly looks at the performance of our rental markets in terms of affordability and it was about time we also looked at the experience of renters as users of tenancy products.
The Wicking Project outcomes: Supporting older people living with alcohol related brain injury
The Wicking project developed and evaluated a specialized model of residential care to support a group of older people living with alcohol-related brain injury (ARBI) and challenging behavior. The aim of the project was to determine the effectiveness of this model at improving participant life quality and well-being.
A predictable crisis: Older, single women as the new face of homelessness
The dissolution of partnerships and re-partnering involve serious risks for women and their children, according to this paper.
Double jeopardy: Old age and nowhere secure to lay your head
On Census night in 2001 around 14,000 older Australians aged 55 years and over experienced homelessness. This represents 14 per cent of the homeless population. When the next Census figures are released, this figure will almost certainly have risen. War veterans make up approximately 10% of this group of older, homeless Australians.