Andrea Sharam
Security in Retirement The impact of housing and key critical life events
This research examines the wealth holdings of men and women at midlife (40–64 years old)and those who have recently retired, and the impact of some key life events in shaping that wealth.
Security in Retirement: The impact of housing and key critical life events
This research examines the wealth holdings of men and women at midlife (40–64 years old) and those who have recently retired, and the impact of some key life events in shaping that wealth. Approaching retirement and retirement itself can be a stressful and insecure time if the resources are not available for achieving a modest lifestyle in retirement.
The voices of mid-life women facing housing insecurity
Single, mid-life women in Australia have emerged as a group vulnerable to housing insecurity and having a high potential of homelessness in their old age (65+). Mid-life is used here to denote women aged between 40 and 65.
The voices of midlife women facing housing insecurity in Victoria, Australia
Single, older women in the State of Victoria, Australia have emerged as a group experiencing housing insecurity and being highly vulnerable to homelessness in their old age. A sizable demographic cohort, it is a group that could overwhelm the existing homelessness service system. One of the most surprising aspects of this trend is their propensity to be tertiary educated.
Getting in front of homelessness: housing single older women now
Single older women in Australia have emerged as a growing population group vulnerable to housing insecurity and at risk of homelessness in their old age. Their vulnerability arises from the gendered nature of labour and child rearing in Australia which compromises women's lifetime capacity to earn, acquire and retain housing equity.
No home at the end of the Road? A survey of single women over 40 years of age who do not believe they will own their housing outright at retirement
Single, older women in Australia have emerged as a group vulnerable to housing insecurity and as being in danger of homelessness in their old age.
National Survey of Providers of Independent Living Units (ILUs) for people with relatively low incomes and low assets
According to the National Housing Supply Council, the demand from older-person households for private rental housing and social housing is estimated to grow 120% between 2008 and 2028 (from 146,200 to 321,400 for private rental housing and from 86,500 to 189,800 for social housing).A significant proportion of these households are living in housing that is not affordable.
Older women and homelessness, a literature review
The catalyst for this literature review, which is a joint initiative of the City of Booroondara and the Salvation Army EastCare, was the lack of service options, coupled with the increasing demand for services to provide appropriate housing and support for older women, including women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.Unfortunately, the plight of older women confronting
A predictable crisis: Older, single women as the new face of homelessness
The dissolution of partnerships and re-partnering involve serious risks for women and their children, according to this paper.
Going it alone: Single, low needs women and hidden homelessness
In early 2006 WISHIN (Women’s Information Support and Housing in the North) was approached by North East Housing Service (NEHS) who were concerned about the number of single women over 35, without dependents who were ringing their service for assistance and whom they were unable to assist.