Comparative Study
Housing for older people in Wales: a sector review of sheltered housing
There has been increasing attention given recently to the potential of housing and housing related services to contribute to the health and well-being of older people in Wales.
Housing vulnerable older people: lessons from Europe and Australia
A comparison of strategies for housing vulnerable older people in Europe and Australia.
Extent and Profile of Homelessness in European Member States – A Statistical Update
This report looks at statistics for the homeless population across Europe. While not specific to an aged population, this cohort is examined in the wider context.
The report concludes there are many dimensions of homelessness that may exist across different contexts, a potentially important one being the possibility of quite simple associations between some forms of homelessness and poverty.
Ageing in the right place: What works across People, Place and Time?
This presentation looks at the concept and the reality of 'ageing in place' in Australia and Canada.
Ageing in place has become a focal concept by policy makers and researchers to create communities that facilitate the preference by older adults to remain in their homes and communities as long as possible.
80+ living in Scandinavia
Average life expectancy in Scandinavia is increasing, anticipating that the number of people aged over 80 will double in the next decades in Scandinavia. Care for the elderly is therefore being reappraised and developed.
High dependency seniors and Social policies in Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden and Poland Collaborative housing - mainstream for older people in the EU?
The short desk research on social policies that gave rise to this comparative report is part of a wide range of activities undertaken by four partner organizations from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Poland within a Grundtvig Learning Partnership project entitled “Co-Elderly – Co-housing and Social housing for Elders’ Reactivation”.
Social Housing Allocation and Homelessness
This research provides an interesting insight into the different housing allocation mechanisms employed by social housing providers across the European Union.
Evaluating Extra Care Housing for Older People in England: A Comparative Cost and Outcome Analysis with Residential Care
The appropriate response to the housing and care needs of an ageing population is much debated in the policy and practice literature in England, alongside considerations of how to ensure affordable and sustainable funding.
Routes out of Poverty and Isolation for Older Homeless People: Possible Models from Poland and the UK
Policies in many EU countries have sought to address the link between worklessness, reliance on state benefits and the attendant poverty that they inevitably bring. However, the focus has tended to be on the acquisition of skills and education amongst younger people.
Housing needs of asset-poor older Australians: other countries’ policy initiatives and their implications for Australia
This project aims to explore how the asset-poor status of older Australians helps to determine their demand for housing assistance, the coping strategies used by the asset-poor as they strive to secure satisfactory housing outcomes and the importance of these outcomes to ontological security.
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