Age UK London
Housing design, adaptations and support (England)
New and existing homes in the UK need to be adaptable to the changing needs of an ageing population to promote both independence and self-determination.
Poor and inaccessible housing has profound implications for our ageing population. There were 13.3 million disabled people in the UK in 2015/16, with 44 per cent over state pension age.
Specialist housing for older people
This fact sheet is about housing designed or designated for older people. In most cases, this is people over the age of 55 or 60. Specialist housing for older people comes in many different forms, which can be grouped according to the level of support offered.
Living in Fear: Experiences of Older Private-Renters in London
The private-rented sector is too often characterised by insecurity, poor living conditions, high rents and lack of choice, meaning that many tenants experience instability and inequality.
Ageing in squalor and distress: older people in the private rented sector
The UK media often reports high figures for the amount of housing wealth owned by older people. But these reports can obscure the fact that more than 21 per cent of older people over 55 have no housing wealth at all. This percentage is likely to grow as increasing numbers of older people find themselves living in rented property.
Housing in later life
This UK report outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for older people’s housing with recommendations for action. One key action is to make sure that older people themselves are at the forefront of the housing debate.
As this report makes clear, there isn’t one simple solution that will suit everyone.
Putting Retirement Housing In Order
There are around 200,000 older people living in the private retirement housing sector. Many residents and their relatives are becoming increasingly concerned about what they see as unreasonable and unjustifiable charges made by some landlords and managing agents.
This paper examines the issues around affordability in the private retirement housing sector in the UK.