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Heading South - Older People at Risk of Homelessness in Tasmania

This report provides a brief snapshot of homelessness and the risk of homelessness for people aged 55 years and over in Tasmania.

Ageing in Place for Minority Ethnic communities

This research project was developed to explore the types of social infrastructure that people aged 50 and over from ethnic minority communities use in specific places. The aim of this project is to understand how organisations working with ethnic minority groups engage with older members from their community and how this might have changed over time and to explore how individuals from ethnic mino

Rental Affordability Snapshot 2020

The Rental Affordability Snapshot is designed to highlight the lived experience of looking for housing while on a low income. It focuses on the Australian population who earn the least income – Commonwealth benefit recipients and minimum wage earners. Every year, Anglicare Australia tests if it is possible for people on low incomes to rent a home in the private market.

At Risk: Understanding the population size and demographics of older women at risk of homelessness in Australia

The housing circumstances of low income older households, in particular female headed households, has become a matter of significant concern over the last few years with increasing numbers of women at risk of homelessness and experiencing homelessness, often for the first time in older age. Unfortunately, there is no one data set that can capture all of the factors that appear to influence low in

Ageing in the Right Place

This Ageing in the Right Place research was undertaken to better understand what the ‘right place’ means for people as they age. As this report discusses, older Australians are not one homogeneous group and they have varying needs. There are, however, some common threads. Three in four Australians aged 85 or older live independently at home, and not in care accommodation.

At Risk: 405,000 older women risk homelessness without urgent policy reform

Older women have a right to appropriate and affordable housing as a foundation for their wellbeing, however they are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in Australia. Older women’s pathway to homelessness is a gendered issue and a consequence of long-term systemic issues.

400,000 women over 45 are at risk of homelessness in Australia

Older women have been recognised as the fastest-growing group of homeless people in Australia in recent years. Yet until now we have not known exactly how many older women are at risk of homelessness. Older people are generally considered to be at less risk of homelessness because of their higher rates of home ownership.

Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety: Aged care program redesign

In this submission, CPSA responds to some of the questions posed in the Royal Commission’s Consultation Paper 1.

Understanding and reimagining social housing pathways

This study explores the ways households experience pathways into, within and out of the Australian social housing system.

‘Uprooting, no matter how small a plant you are, is a trauma’: older women renters are struggling

Older women renters are struggling in an insecure and unaffordable rental housing market. A combination of high rents and low incomes leaves many living in substandard housing and unable to afford necessities like food and energy bills. Rrent increases further stress household budgets, and evictions magnify these risks. COVID-19 makes the need for reform even more urgent.
