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The Renters Journey
Report following the rental experiences of four key groups of renters: women aged 55 and over, low income families, newly arrived migrants and young renters. Journey mapping with four key groups of renters, exploring common and unique experiences and pain points.
Women and Housing Policy (APR 2019)
Women’s economic and other inequality creates disadvantage in accessing housing, including housing insecurity and homelessness.
Women’s disadvantage occurs in the context of an Australian housing market characterised by a lack of affordable rental housing, together with tightly targeted social housing with long waiting lists.
This has led to the emergence of a cohort of people on low incomes
Supporting older lower income tenants in the private rental sector
Retired lower income households living in the private rental sector face rent increases and insecure tenure while being on low fixed incomes. They also live in housing that may not be physically suitable for them and may require alterations to make the premises liveable.
The policy options presented here focus on assisting older lower income tenants.
Homeless for the First Time in Later Life: Uncovering More Than One Pathway
Increasingly, researchers have recognized the heterogeneity with the growing population of older homeless adults in Canada. However, scant research has considered the complex pathways into first-time homelessness from the perspective of older adults themselves.
Waiting For The End In Japan's Terminal Villages
Japan has the oldest population of any developed country today. One in four people are aged 65 or over. This aging crisis has affected almost all aspects of life, but perhaps no consequence is more symbolic of this difficult era than that of the terminal village.
There are thousands of these villages—or rather technically, hamlets—dotting the Japanese countryside.
Housing Options for Our Ageing Population - Policy Statement
Ireland’s population is living longer than ever before and our older
population is consistently growing in size. We need to be aware of the challenges it will bring us over the coming years in almost every aspect of public policy. Housing and health care will be no exceptions. We need to plan ahead to meet the accommodation needs of an ageing Ireland.
Housing plans of the oldest: ageing in semi-rural areas in Sweden
Due to the out migration of the young from rural areas and increased life expectancy of the old, the population of these areas in particular is ageing.
Dignity and choice An inclusive future for our ageing population
The ageing of Sydney's population presents a fundamental challenge for how cities are able to function. Policy makers will need to embrace a paradigm shift that views city and project planning through a lens where a full 42% of the population sits outside of the working age bracket of 15-64.
Housing costs 'crippling' for senior Australians
Two thirds of Australian women renters over 55, would find a rent increase more difficult to afford compared to the rest of the population. Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that women over 55 are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness.
The number of this cohort living alone is very high compared with the rest of the population.
Public housing apartments for older South Australians
New apartments that will allow older residents to age in place in their own home are under construction in a $19 million project that is the first of its kind for public housing in South Australia.
Under the project, 59 apartments will be constructed in three apartment buildings located in South Plympton, Prospect and Blair Athol.