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High rents putting older people at risk of homelessness, charity says

In Ireland, older people are increasingly at risk of homelessness due to the cost of rent increasing but State pension remaining the same. Alone, a charity supporting older people, said one of the most frequent issues the organisation sees is older people living in private rented accommodation finding it increasingly difficult to pay rent as rates rise.

Fall in ageing Australians’ home-ownership rates looms as seismic shock for housing policy

Outright home ownership has long been regarded as a supporting pillar of Australian retirement incomes policies. Increasingly, concerns that rising mortgage debt and falling home ownership rates in later life are undermining the role of home ownership in supporting retirees’ financial wellbeing.

Planning for an ageing population: is co-housing the solution?

Between 2016 and 2030, the population of over 60s in the UK is estimated to rise from 15 million to 20 million. Older population growth leads to household growth, and inevitably the housing needs of the UK will change alongside this shifting demographic. This paper explores this issue within the context of South West England.

Housing Options for Our Ageing Population

The changing demographics and the implications for future health care costs underpin the importance of developing a wider choice of appropriate housing options for older people suited to their needs. The aim of this policy statement is to encourage and facilitate timely planning by older people, and to rebalance the care model away from inappropriate residential and/or acute care, to supporting o

Mutual Appreciation: A Social Innovation Thinkpiece

Global trends and domestic policy have challenged Australia’s traditional owner-occupier housing model and undermined the assumption of zero housing costs in retirement that underpins both our retirement income and aged care systems. Housing has become a commodity, a place where investors grow wealth to hand down inter-generationally while others become increasingly vulnerable to housing stress.

A new project and a national trend: The growing need for affordable housing for seniors

This article looks at the issue of housing affordability in Michigan. Though some seniors age in place in their current homes or with family members, the issue of housing, for many as they age, is a looming question mark that creates doubt and insecurity. Focused on housing specifically for seniors, a not-for-profit organisation, Samaritas is building a new affordable senior living facility.

The solution to ageing Britain’s housing crisis? Build almshouses

Architects and planners need to radically rethink housing policy for older people as the number of Britons over the age of 85 is set to nearly double in the next 25 years.

Mortgage debt causing older Australians distress and worsening mental health

The burden of mortgage debt is leading to mental distress and worsening mental health outcomes for older Australians, who are now often carrying unsustainable mortgage repayments into retirement,

Housing in an ageing Australia: Nest and nest egg?

Housing outcomes affect financial and personal health and wellbeing over the lifecycle. And as lifespans increase and Australia’s population ages it is important to continue to examine the interactions between demography and housing. This research brief explores the current state and projected future of such interactions, marrying policy developments with the latest data and research.

'One rent increase from disaster’ Older renters living on the edge in Western Australia

Recent trends in Australia indicate homelessness and the risk of homelessness is increasing for low income older households. The Ageing on the Edge Project is a five year initiative (2016–2020) that aims to gather evidence and conduct research that supports a compelling need for better housing and support services for older people. This is the third report produced as part of this project.
