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The Village Movement: A Sustainable Model for Aging in Community

In the US, the Village model is gaining national attention as an affordable option for seniors who want to age-in- place. Villages are not-for-profit membership organizations offering comprehensive support and social engagement to seniors wanting to maintain independence. Villages are locally developed (often initiated within neighborhoods), self-governing, and self-supporting.

Housing Affordability and Homelessness

This report is about homelessness, considered in the context of our wider housing, service, and social system. Homelessness is an urgent and growing problem. Currently, homelessness as an end point gets significant attention from governments and the specialist services working in the sector.

Specialist housing for older people

This fact sheet is about housing designed or designated for older people. In most cases, this is people over the age of 55 or 60. Specialist housing for older people comes in many different forms, which can be grouped according to the level of support offered.

An alternative for whom? The evolution and socio-economy of Danish cohousing

The article demonstrates how the development of Danish cohousing has been undergirded by distinct shifts in dominant tenure forms. Secondly, it shows that inhabitants in contemporary Danish cohousing are socio-economically distinct. This does not diminish the value of cohousing, but it problematises assumptions about the social sustainability of this housing form.

Social housing as infrastructure: an investment pathway

Ensuring necessary and appropriate levels of social housing investment begins with a well-evidenced understanding of the scale, type and location of need and secondly, an accurate understanding of the cost of procuring appropriate dwellings in the right locations.

The Challenges of Urban Ageing: Making Cities Age-Friendly in Europe

This article explores and describes the challenges that are encountered when making cities age-friendly in Europe. Such challenges include the creation of inclusive neighbourhoods and the implementation of technology for ageing-in-place.

Ticking Time Bomb Of Housing For Older People Needs Addressing In State Budget

COTA SA, the peak advocacy body for older people in South Australia, is urging the Liberal Government to make a commitment to address escalating housing stress and homelessness among older South Australians in its 2018/19 State Budget. The housing ‘ticking time bomb' is one of a number of issues identified that COTA SA has included recommendations for in its 2018 State Budget Submission, del

How to provide suitable and affordable housing for ageing people

With a global rise in the number of people aged 65-plus, it will be increasingly important to have appropriate housing that allows them to remain in their familiar communities and 'age in place' for as long as possible. However, as experience shows in New Zealand and other parts of the world,housing for many people in this age group is far from appropriate. In our research, we explore

The Adequacy of the Age Pension in Australia: An assessment of pensioner living standards

This Australian report examines the adequacy of the Age Pension both qualitatively, through focus groups and town meetings, and quantitatively, through analysis of social survey data. Methodology included quantitative analysis provided by the HILDA (Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia) survey which included 9,000 households and 25,000 individuals.

Unsuitable, insecure and substandard homes: The barriers faced by older private renters

Growing numbers of older people in the UK are living in private rented accommodation.
