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Here's why so many seniors are joining the tiny-house movement

Discussion and case studies of older women in the US opting to join the tiny house movement as they age.

Demoralising and humiliating: More older Australians falling into homelessness

The number of Australia's private renters aged 65+ who are in housing stress, defined as paying more than 30% on rent, has jumped by 42% in the last five years.

Rural Housing for an Ageing Population: Preserving Independence. HAPPI 4

The Inquiry’s Statement of Intent was: “To explore the current housing needs and care problems facing older people in rural areas and to make recommendations to central and local government and other partners for solutions.” This report presents the findings and the recommendations from the inquiry.

Independent Living Units: Underfunded and Misunderstood

Australia has an aging population with diverse backgrounds and experiences; 37 per cent of older Australians were born overseas. Historical and contemporary privileges and disadvantages have impacted different Australians’ ability to gain and maintain employment, accrue savings, build financial literacy, contribute to superannuation, own property and prepare for a secure, enjoyable retirement in l

'It's a Great Idea for Other People': Cohousing as an option for older Australians

Older Australians face housing challenges including supply, accessibility, affordability, security of tenure and isolation. This article reports on research conducted in the state of New South Wales, Australia into the potential for cohousing to address these challenges.

A longer lease on life: issues for older renters

With a surplus of $3.9 billion for 2016-17, the 2018 NSW State Budget had its winners and losers. The latter include seniors and renters. This blog examine some of the issues confronting older renters.

More Together, More Apart: Migration, Densification, Segregation

This 'Book of Abstracts' showcases articles on Housing Research, Collaborative Housing, disadvantaged neighbourhoods, housing policy, sustainability, living conditions of ageing populations, and refugees. It covers social theory, economics, finance, archicture and more as they relate to housing.

Housing Choices for Older People in Ireland - Time for Action

The goal of this report is to drive discussion and offer solutions which provide choice in housing for older people in Ireland.

Pop-up shelter initiative helps homeless older women

An innovative approach to the temporary use of a vacant building site owned by Uniting, the service arm of the Uniting Church, is providing a temporary safe haven for older homeless women who are literally left out in the cold when it comes to specialist homelessness services.

Choosing between staying at home or moving: A systematic review of factors influencing housing decisions among frail older adults

To date, many factors have been taken into account in research on older adults’ housing decisions, including health and social factors. However, not all potential factors have been identified, especially those related to the built environment and what it represents for older adults.
