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Designing Homes for an Ageing Population

Improved health and longevity in Ireland will lead to significant advances in how long people choose to work into old age, and presents huge opportunities for new thinking about positive attitudes towards ageing. As discussed in this report, this will place demands on Ireland’s social welfare and pensions system, and – without reform of housing policy the need for nursing homes and acute hospital

Amplify Insights: Housing Affordability and Homelessness

This report assembles the evidence, from official statistics, academic research, and other publicly available information about the lived experience of homelessness and housing affordability in Australia.

ODESSA - Optimising Care Delivery Models to Support Ageing in Place

ODESSA is a three-year project with the aim of finding new and innovative ways of adapting a person’s home so that they can live independently for longer and avoid going into residential care, as well as making it easier for them to access public services such as health and social services.

Japan tries to tackle health problems of aging homeless

Public and private efforts are gathering pace to address the increase in the number of elderly homeless Japanese. A nationwide survey by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry found 5,534 people living on the streets or riverbanks as of January 2017, with many of them in urban areas such as central Tokyo’s 23 wards and the city of Osaka. Their average age was 61.5 as of October 2016, a rise of a

Disrupted: The consumer experience of renting in Australia

Disrupted – the second report commissioned by CHOICE, National Shelter, and The National Association of Tenant Organisations (NATO) – delves into the issues facing Australians who rent.

Green Retirement Communities Are Sprouting

In the US, interest in environmental sustainability is increasing. That’s why some forward-thinking retirement communities are offering residents everything from greener buildings to energy-efficient lighting to community gardens. And some towns are putting a focus on walkability.

Rural Housing for an Ageing Population: Preserving Independence

This UK report presents the findings of our All-Party Parliamentary Group’s latest Inquiry: Rural Housing for our Ageing Population: Preserving Independence, the fourth in this series of “HAPPI” reports covering different aspects of housing and care for older people. Our underlying concern is with the growing numbers of older people in rural communities who will face a huge challenge to their ind

Healthy settings for older people are healthy settings for all: the experience of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy

In 2016, Friuli-Venezia Giulia developed innovative strategies that have been recognized by the European Commission with the conferring of the title, reference site, in the scope of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging.

Where's the Map? Navigating Australia's Housing and Aged Care Systems

Old age is when a lifetime of inequality, compounded and multiplied from life event to life event, can be in its starkest relief. Some inequality comes in later in life, following adverse life events such as divorce or redundancy.

Rental warning: Falling home ownership rates set to bite retirees

Older Australians are falling off the housing ladder and face spending their retirement as renters, with the situation expected to worsen for coming generations. Senior Australians in the private rental market are “at much greater risk of financial stress than home owners, or those in public housing”, according to the Grattan Institute’s recently launched Grattan Retirement Incomes Model. Older
