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Learn to Innovate – European lessons on designing for ageing well

This ongoing research to develop innovative senior living schemes in towns and cities in the UK looks at examples in Denmark and The Netherlands. Observations from two urban care homes in Copenhagen, that actively encourage social connection through the provision of shared and social spaces.

Green Retirement Communities Are Sprouting

In the US, interest in environmental sustainability is increasing. That’s why some forward-thinking retirement communities are offering residents everything from greener buildings to energy-efficient lighting to community gardens. And some towns are putting a focus on walkability.

Will you be renting in retirement?

The concept of retirees as mortgage-free homeowners is a problem for our current welfare system. Thanks to poor housing affordability, people who do own property are generally buying later in life and paying off their mortgage for longer.

Aging and on the streets

In the US, as housing costs rise and baby boomers age, growing numbers of the homeless are older. Between 2007 and 2014, there was a 20 percent increase nationwide in individuals over 50 living on the streets. They now make up more than one-third of the homeless in the United States. Portland — long struggling to decrease its large and visible homeless population — also has seen a recent jump.

Moving Towards Age Friendly Housing in King County

This report is an assessment of current and projected needs for senior housing and housing-based support services in King County, Seattle. It provides recommendations for affordable senior housing strategies.

Co-housing: could it take off?

Choice and control are the driving force behind a growing co-housing initiative for older Australians looking for alternatives to the traditional aged care and retirement living options.

Meeting the Housing Needs of Older Adults in Montgomery County

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, is a community offering high-quality services and amenities to people of all ages and at all stages of life. The County scores particularly high among older adults in terms of its health services, public safety, and parks and activities. However, only 50 percent of residents 55+ said that Montgomery County was a good place to retire.

Life as an older renter

The New South Wales government has introduced a bill to reform the Residential Tenancies Act. This act sets out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in private rental accommodation in NSW. It is getting harder for older renters to find adequate, appropriate and secure housing. Older women – the focus of my work – are at particular risk.

Housing Stress Increases for Social Housing Renters

Housing stress has increased considerably among renters of social housing, new research shows, renewing calls from the social sector for more affordable housing and a national housing strategy. The latest Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey released on Tuesday said renters were particularly prone to both financial stress and housing stress. “Over the HILDA survey pe

Innovative Housing Solutions for Ageing in Place in Maleny

Stable, appropriate and affordable housing provides the basis for healthy people and healthy communities, however, there is a fundamental mismatch between the demand and supply of appropriate housing options for older people to age-in-place.
