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Housing Affordability Stress: understanding the 30:40 indicator

The 30:40 indicator identifies households as being in housing affordability stress when the household has an income level in the bottom 40 per cent of Australia's income distribution and is paying more than 30 per cent of its income in housing costs.

Homelessness: Re-shaping the policy agenda?

This report evaluates the new statistical definition of homelessness adopted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the purposes of counting the homeless population.

Rethinking the Care Needs of Older Homeless People

Our research project, “Homelessness in Late life: Growing Old on the Streets, in Shelters, and Long-term Care” explores the challenges older homelessness brings for aging societies as a whole and for service providers working in housing, shelter and long-term care. It involves a critical policy analysis; qualitative interviews with service providers and older homeless people; and participant obse

Aging in The Netherlands: State of the Art and Science

Abstract The population of the Netherlands is aging, although it is still relatively young in comparison with the population of most other European countries. As Dutch society transitions from a welfare state to a society based more on individual responsibility, the increasingly well-educated and financially well-off elderly people wish to exert more control over their own lives.

Adapting to the Challenges of an Ageing Population for Social Housing

The UK population, like in many countries, is ageing with wide consequences for society and the economy. One in six people in the UK are now over 65, an increase of more than one million from 2001.

Then, now and tomorrow: housing for an ageing population

The key to future boomer housing in Australia is the provision of sustainable and affordable housing landscapes that promote the health and wellbeing of residents for the duration of their life. This paper focuses on Gold Coast housing landscapes, where a number of innovative boomer housing projects are currently being developed.

Differences between Cohousing and Gated Communities.

On the basis of the literature about gated and cohousing communities, this work analyzes how these communities differ from each other. The analysis suggests that cohousing and gated communities are different in the nature of relationships between residents and in the reasons why they arise, even if there are some points of similarity.

New Approaches to Housing for Older People

This UK report looks at the approaches of organisations that are working to meet the opportunities of our ageing population; it also identifies some of the critical challenges to this, notably but not exclusively around financing, and offers some challenges back to local and central government, for their role in developing a framework that can make it easier for the industry to respond.

The challenge of an ageing population for social housing can be addressed with an accessible housing register

The UK’s ageing population will will necessitate more specially adapted or ‘accessible’ housing stock. But with continuing long term financial austerity there will be a growing pressure on social landlords to achieve value for money. An accessible housing register is a way to address these issues.

Skid Row, Yokohama: Homelessness and Welfare in Japan

Following the bursting of the bubble economy in Japan at the beginning of the 1990s, demand for casual labor slumped. By the end of the decade, there were so few jobs left that most men had given up the struggle.
