Ageing in a Gentrifying Neighbourhood: Experiences of Community Change in Later Life
Debates about gentrification continue to occupy a significant part of research investigating social change within urban communities.
Housing requirements for a ageing society
Various countries in the world have been experiencing a rapid ageing in population.
Housing policies for the elderly: why should we care?
In aging societies, housing responses for the elderly are of increasing importance. This article analyzes the impact of the place of residence and deals with the problem of housing policies from the perspective of an elderly person.
The study suggests that community dwelling elderly have significantly higher quality of life and experience less loneliness.
Patterns of Shelter Use Among Men New to Homelessness in Later Life: Duration of Stay and Psychosocial Factors Related to Departure
Few researchers have focused on the trends and typologies of older people who find themselves homeless for the first time in late life. Yet, adults facing homelessness for a first time in older age are reported to have different experiences and service needs than those who are aging in situations of chronic homelessness.
The re-emergence of self-managed co-housing in Europe: A critical review of co-housing research
This article reviews a decade of co-housing studies and publications, to identify major themes and research gaps.
Housing Older Australians: Loss of home ownership and pathways into housing assistance
In Australia and other ‘homeownership societies’ it has been conventional to think of housing pathways in terms of a smooth linear progression, leading to outright ownership in middle age and a retirement buffered by low housing costs. This vision of the welfare role of home ownership is an important buttress of Australian retirement incomes policy.
Towards a deeper understanding of the social architecture of co-housing: evidence from the UK, USA and Australia
This paper draws attention to the micro-social practices that self-organising resident groups engage in over the years that it takes to build a co-housing community. This ‘social architecture’ is what distinguishes co-housing from superficially similar shared-space neighbourhoods.
Strategies for Aging in Place: The Experience of Language-Minority Seniors With Loss of Independence
For healthy and independent older adults, aging in place can be seen as identical to any other adult living at home. Little is known about how frail seniors, particularly those who speak a minority language, manage the challenges of aging in place.
Falling Through the Cracks: Exploring the Subsidized Housing Needs of Low-Income Preseniors From the Perspectives of Housing Providers
Low-income preseniors represent a vulnerable, often overlooked population facing multiple challenges related to finding and sustaining employment, limited financial resources, mental and physical health challenges, mobility issues, and ineligibility for pensions and benefits for seniors.
Housing-related Well-being in Older People: The Impact of Environmental and Financial Influences
Population ageing prompts both a larger dependence on housing suitability, and hence environmental effects on elderly wellbeing, alongside reliance on housing assets to guarantee financial security in old age for homeowners, giving rise to investment effects on wellbeing.
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