Choosing Among Residential Options: Results of a Vignette Experiment

Among decisions that older people have to make, those involving potential residential relocation are among the most important and difficult. Because of both attraction to their current residence and negative aspects of moving, older people usually have a strong preference to remain in place.

Ageing in urban environments: Developing ‘age-friendly’ cities

This article aims to provide a critical perspective on what has been termed ‘age-friendly cities’ by shifting the focus from questions such as ‘What is an ideal city for older people?’ to the question of ‘How age friendly are cities?’ This approach might be more suited to deal with the complexities of cities as sites of interlocking and conflicting commercial, social, and political interests.

Needs and care of older people living at home in Iceland

The Icelandic old-age care system is universal and the official goal is to support older people live independently for as long as possible. The aim of this study is to describe the living conditions and needs of older people in Iceland and how these needs are met. The new survey ICEOLD is used to examine formal and informal care and the relationship between these spheres.

Living Arrangements of Older Adults in China: The Interplay Among Preferences, Realities, and Health

This article uses the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey to examine the dynamics of living arrangements among the elderly in China. The author explores what factors are related to living arrangement preference. In addition, the author looks at a relatively unexplored measure— “living arrangement concordance”—having a match between preferred and actual living arrangements.
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