
At home and in place? The role of housing in social inclusion

This is the Final Report from a project that aims to enhance understanding of aspects of home, housing and place which interact with social and economic disadvantage and the ways in which housing-related policies and programs can promote social inclusion. The project has three broad research questions: 1.

Ageing out of place? The impact of gender and location on older Victorians in homelessness: A pilot study.

It is widely acknowledged that Australia has a growing ageing population. The growing housing affordability problem is also widel y recognised. Declining rates of home ownership and a projected increase in older people in private rental are also well documented. The numbers of older people vulnerable to homelessness will increase. This has implications for the homelessness services system.

Precarious housing and health inequalities: what are the links?

This exploratory study asks two broad questions: • Does poor health lead to precarious housing? • Does precarious housing (including affordability, suitability and security of tenure) affect people’s health? Older private renters (that is, people older than 65 years) were particularly vulnerable to unaffordable housing: half were in housing affordability stress.

Housing Loneliness and Health

This Essay asks whether housing, loneliness and health are connected in contemporary Australia, and if they are, is it a nexus that can be addressed positively through housing policy.

Pathways into adult homelessness

This article uses information from a large administrative database (N = 3941) to outline five ideal typical pathways into adult homelessness. The pathways are called ‘housing crisis’, ‘family breakdown’, ‘substance abuse’, ‘mental health’ and ‘youth to adult’. Then we explain why people on some pathways remain homeless for longer than others.

Ageing in what place? Stage One: Case Studies

These case studies form part of the final report on Stage One of Hanover Welfare Service’s research into the experience of housing crisis and homelessness for older Victorians.

Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research study was designed to explore the issues that relate to private rental and people on a low income using three sources for data collection: • A review of the literature and policy environment surrounding private rental in Australia and Victoria • A collection of quantitative data from service providers and government agencies. • Interviews to explore the experiences of individuals, se

Evidence on the Relationship Between Unaffordable Housing and Poor Health

This paper examines the relationship between poor health and poor housing affordability for Australians, to answer two essential questions for Australian policy makers: Does poor health lead to unaffordable housing? And does unaffordable housing affect people’s health?

Pathways into Adult Homelessness

This article has two aims. First, from all the diversity and complexity of homeless people’s lives, we identify five ideal typical pathways into adult homelessness, using a modified version of the analytical scheme proposed by Johnson (2006).

The Wicking Project outcomes: Supporting older people living with alcohol related brain injury

The Wicking project developed and evaluated a specialized model of residential care to support a group of older people living with alcohol-related brain injury (ARBI) and challenging behavior. The aim of the project was to determine the effectiveness of this model at improving participant life quality and well-being.
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