
Pathways into Adult Homelessness

This article has two aims. First, from all the diversity and complexity of homeless people’s lives, we identify five ideal typical pathways into adult homelessness, using a modified version of the analytical scheme proposed by Johnson (2006).

Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research study was designed to explore the issues that relate to private rental and people on a low income using three sources for data collection: • A review of the literature and policy environment surrounding private rental in Australia and Victoria • A collection of quantitative data from service providers and government agencies. • Interviews to explore the experiences of individuals, se

Evidence on the Relationship Between Unaffordable Housing and Poor Health

This paper examines the relationship between poor health and poor housing affordability for Australians, to answer two essential questions for Australian policy makers: Does poor health lead to unaffordable housing? And does unaffordable housing affect people’s health?

National Survey of Providers of Independent Living Units (ILUs) for people with relatively low incomes and low assets

According to the National Housing Supply Council, the demand from older-person households for private rental housing and social housing is estimated to grow 120% between 2008 and 2028 (from 146,200 to 321,400 for private rental housing and from 86,500 to 189,800 for social housing).A significant proportion of these households are living in housing that is not affordable.

Understanding the Essence of Home: Older People’s Experience of Home in Australia

This qualitative inquiry explores the experiences of community-living older people in Australia living in their home environment. Participants in this study stated that they were interested in the capacity of the house to support their many and varied occupations, particularly their ability to care for others.

Social Spaces Rural Places: Ageing-in-Place in Rural South Australia

This thesis argues that place, space and availability of social support are important variables for how older people successfully age-in-place. It explores place attachment, community connectedness and the social networks of people aged 70+ living independently in small rural communities in the Murray Mallee region of South Australia.

The ‘Average’ Victorian Private Tenant

The TUV analysed ABS Census data from 2011 and identified the "average" characteristics of tenants in the Victorian private rental market. The entire tenant population in Victoria is approximately 1.26 million people, roughly one million of which (83.3%) live in privately rented housing.

Making Do: Housing Quality and Affordability in the Low to Moderate Income Specific Housing Sector

Better cities require integrated planning and monitoring across the board that is inclusive of age-specific housing. Australia’s ageing population presents a number of challenges for provision of appropriate and affordable housing and care for those on low to moderate incomes.

Secure occupancy in rental housing: conceptual foundations and comparative perspectives

This report is concerned with the nature of housing occupancy for households that rent, particularly low-income and vulnerable households.

Ageing in Place Down Under

This paper explores the concept of Ageing in Place and how it is currently understood in Australia.
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