
Understanding housing and location choices of retiring Australians in the ‘baby boom’ generation

This scoping review provides a brief literature review with the aim of helping build a better understanding of how the choices, constraints, behaviours and expectations of the ‘baby boom’ generation influence their decisions and outcomes regarding housing and location. Research recommendations for further consideration are also mapped out.

Policy shift or program drift? Implementing Housing First in Australia

INTRODUCTION Providing secure, sustainable housing options for people experiencing chronic homelessness has posed an enduring challenge for policy-makers and practitioners alike. While Australian homelessness responses are largely crisis based, there are long standing debates about the best means of ending long-term homelessness altogether.

Understanding single older women's invisibility in housing issues in Australia

Abstract This paper examines the available literature on single older non-home owning women in Australia and their housing issues. Preliminary information suggests that this subset of the population is increasingly at risk of becoming homeless or inadequately housed in later life. In fact, there is a historical dearth of research on women’s housing in general.

Infill Development for Older Australians in South East Queensland An Analysis of the Preferences of Older People in the Urban Environment

This research aimed to identify liveable, affordable and sustainable ways to accommodate older people in communities that are becoming more densely populated.

A study of homelessness and gambling in the Northern Rivers Region, New South Wales, Australia: The perspectives of people experiencing homelessness and gambling, and the service providers supporting them

While gambling problems and housing problems are both serious concerns, there have been relatively few studies that have explored the relationship between these problems. Yet, this is an important topic to research.

Sustainable Retirement Living: What Matters?

There is a growing demand for sustainable retirement villages in Australia due to an increasing number of ageing population and public acceptance of sustainable development. This research aims to gain a better understanding of retirees’ understanding about sustainable retirement living and their attitudes towards sustainable developments via a questionnaire survey approach.

Getting in front of homelessness: housing single older women now

Single older women in Australia have emerged as a growing population group vulnerable to housing insecurity and at risk of homelessness in their old age. Their vulnerability arises from the gendered nature of labour and child rearing in Australia which compromises women's lifetime capacity to earn, acquire and retain housing equity.

Understanding the Essence of Home: Older People’s Experience of Home in Australia

This qualitative inquiry explores the experiences of community-living older people in Australia living in their home environment. Participants in this study stated that they were interested in the capacity of the house to support their many and varied occupations, particularly their ability to care for others.

Social Spaces Rural Places: Ageing-in-Place in Rural South Australia

This thesis argues that place, space and availability of social support are important variables for how older people successfully age-in-place. It explores place attachment, community connectedness and the social networks of people aged 70+ living independently in small rural communities in the Murray Mallee region of South Australia.

The ‘Average’ Victorian Private Tenant

The TUV analysed ABS Census data from 2011 and identified the "average" characteristics of tenants in the Victorian private rental market. The entire tenant population in Victoria is approximately 1.26 million people, roughly one million of which (83.3%) live in privately rented housing.
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