
Facing the future — A baseline profile on older Tasmanians

Th is major piece of research has been conducted by a team of people over 2012 and 2013 to provide greater insight into older Tasmanians. COTA Tasmania (Council on the Ageing) is the leading voice for older Tasmanians and as such it is timely and significant that as an organisation it can be involved in such an important piece of work.

The Trajectory Towards Marginality: How Do Older Australians Find Themselves Dependent on the Private Rental Market?

For older Australians being dependent on the private rental market is usually associated with serious financial hardship and insecurity. This article examines the housing careers of older Australians who are dependent on the private rental market. The article explores the trajectory into the private rental market and finds a crucial factor was an inability to access social housing.

Assets, debt and the drawdown of housing equity by an ageing population

This Positioning Paper is the first output of a project that aims to uncover the uses, financial costs and risks of housing equity withdrawal (HEW) via alternative mechanisms by older Australians.

Getting in front of homelessness: housing single older women now

Single older women in Australia have emerged as a growing population group vulnerable to housing insecurity and at risk of homelessness in their old age. Their vulnerability arises from the gendered nature of labour and child rearing in Australia which compromises women's lifetime capacity to earn, acquire and retain housing equity.

Sustainable Retirement Living: What Matters?

There is a growing demand for sustainable retirement villages in Australia due to an increasing number of ageing population and public acceptance of sustainable development. This research aims to gain a better understanding of retirees’ understanding about sustainable retirement living and their attitudes towards sustainable developments via a questionnaire survey approach.

Housing First 'Down Under': Revolution, Realignment or Rhetoric?

The emergence of Housing First as an approach to ending chronic homelessness has gained widespread attention around the world.

Downsizing in Later Life: Myths and Realities Concerning the Movement of Older People in the Housing Market

In Australia, ‘downsizing’ has become a popular term to explain the movements of older people in the housing market.

Environmental Sustainable Initiatives Clarence Village Independent Living Units

Clarence Village Limited responded to NSW and Federal Government incentive programs to invest in grid connect 1.5KW solar energy systems on each of its 73 Independent Living Units. Each of the 73 residents of Clarence Village voluntarily joined with the company to make the Village the first among it’s peers on the North Coast to become a Green Village.

Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research project was developed by Wesley Mission Victoria and the Tenants Union of Victoria to build a better understanding of issues related to the private rental market that are affecting families on low incomes, using the Eastern Metropolitan Region as an example. The report discusses findings across the board in terms of age, income and other areas of difficulties facing renters in the p

Homelessness and older Australians: scoping the issues

This report is written in the context of the Australian Government’s long-term goals of halving overall homelessness and offering supported accommodation to all rough sleepers who need assistance by 2020. It focuses on the implications of these goals for one specific demographic group, older Australians.
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