United Kingdom
How do unfamiliar environments convey meaning to older people? Urban dimensions of placelessness and attachment
"Attachment to place" within the gerontological literature is associated with long time periods of exposure to a place and has significantly contributed to how we give meaning to the spaces inhabited and used by older people. We also define ‘‘place’’ in this study on a macro scale - a city or town, rather than in micro terms of accommodation or home.
Improving housing with care choices for older people: an evaluation of extra care housing
Over the last decade, extra care housing has emerged as a welcome
alternative to residential care and the various forms of sheltered housing previously available.
Then and now: evolving community in the context of a retirement village
There is currently much debate in the United Kingdom policy and practice literature about how best to respond to the care and accommodation needs of people as they retire and grow older.
Older People's Housing Strategy
In the UK, an ageing society is one of the greatest challenges for
housing, and national government has identified this as an area
where significant changes need to be made, not only in the
actual buildings but in challenging society’s perceptions of what
housing for older people should mean.
Homelessness among older people and service responses
This paper reviews the limited evidence on the causes of
homelessness in old age and on the circumstances and
problems of older homeless people, and it describes the
few services dedicated to the group.
Allocating social housing: opportunities and challenges
The aims of this UK report are to:
• Support debate about challenges to existing approaches to allocations and to stimulate ideas about new approaches to allocations
• Develop a robust understanding of options for new approaches to allocations and their likely implications for households, communities, organisations and government
• Inform emerging practice in allocations within organisations
• Con
Housing Transitions: Older People’s changing housing needs
The purpose of this paper is to focus on the findings that relate to older people remaining in, or moving from, their home in later life.
The Future Housing and Support Needs of Older People in Northern Ireland
The project brief required: an analysis of demographic and policy trends to support informed decision making regarding future housing need assessment for older people; collation of information on the existing supply of accommodation for elderly people in relation to the distribution of the elderly population; and a ten-year projection, from 2006 to 2016, of the future housing needs of older people
Routes out of Poverty and Isolation for Older Homeless People : Possible Models from Poland and the UK
Routes out of homelessness are frequently identified as requiring shifts in lifestyles and networks.
Routes out of Poverty and Isolation for Older Homeless People: Possible Models from Poland and the UK
Policies in many EU countries have sought to address the link between worklessness, reliance on state benefits and the attendant poverty that they inevitably bring. However, the focus has tended to be on the acquisition of skills and education amongst younger people.
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