United Kingdom

Housing and health care for older people

There is an enormous impact of home conditions both on the health of an older person living with a long-term illness, and their ability to remain independent in the face of disability. Geriatricians are often called upon to give advice to older people with a new illness about where to live.

Strategic Review of Housing Provision for Older People in Elmbridge

The project was to undertake a strategic review of housing provision and services for older people in Elmbridge with the production of a Final Report to assist housing and service providers with their future planning.

Trends in Housing for Older People - Conference Report

Members of the HOPE network assembled in Copenhagen on May 8th 2008 for a conference hosted by KAB. The aim of the conference was to examine trends in housing for older people by focusing on two main themes: • Housing requirements of older people in the next fi ve to ten years • What can housing companies do to help older people remain in their own homes for as long as possible? The conference w

A Home We Can All Enjoy - Cohousing for the Elderly

With the UK government’s recent pledge to transform social care funding by introducing individual budgets, some elderly groups are looking at ways to revolutionise their care and accommodation requirements. One such experiment that has largely been ignored by the politicians and local authorities is cohousing.

The Limitations of Cost Analysis in Relation to Homelessness

The increasing focus on cost comparisons between services can lead to misleading conclusions about their ef fectiveness. Whilst cost compari sons can be a useful tool both for benchmarking services and as a means of advocating for services for unpopular groups, data can be difficult to collect and to interpret in a meaningful way.

Ageing in Place in the United Kingdom

Ageing in Place is a key component of UK policy on older people and housing.

The Cohousing Approach to 'Lifetime Neighbourhoods'

This UK fact sheet considers how local authorities can work with public and private sector partners to develop a cohousing approach towards the outcomes sought from the government’s national strategy on housing for an ageing society.

Housing Choices and Aspirations of Older People - Research from the New Horizons Programme

This UK report was commissioned by Communities and Local Government as part of a larger project to support the development of the National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society. Researchers at the University of York undertook eight focus groups composed of ‘younger’ older people (aged 48 to 64), and ‘older’ old people (aged 65 and above) to explore the influences on participants’ housing deci

Lifetime Homes Lifetime Neighbourhoods: A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society

In the UK, most of our homes and communities are not designed to meet people’s changing needs as they grow older. Older people’s housing options are too often limited to care homes or sheltered housing. Put simply, we need more and better homes for older people now. This strategy sets out our response to the global challenge of ageing.
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