
‘New ideas to old problems’ needed says head of innovative housing service

Australia needs new solutions to address the growing number of homeless seniors,particularly women. Innovative solutions to look after this cohort are needed. This article looks at Common Ground Tasmania which opened in 2012. Older women have been drawn to the model as it provides safe and secure accommodation with a sense of community and purpose.

Housing in later life

This UK report outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for older people’s housing with recommendations for action. One key action is to make sure that older people themselves are at the forefront of the housing debate. As this report makes clear, there isn’t one simple solution that will suit everyone.

Smart Cities and the Ageing Population

Due to a growing number of elderly people, it is a necessity to create the cities that are aware of the special needs of all their citizens including the needs of aging populations.

Moving beyond ‘ageing in place’: older people’s dislikes about their home and neighbourhood environments as a motive for wishing to move

Ageing in place has been promoted by policy makers as the optimal residential solution for later life, premised on older people’s reluctance to contemplate relocation, their declining residential mobility and high levels of residential satisfaction.

Leeds Older People’s Forum: Housing for Older People in Leeds

This is an introductory report summarising the key factors that need to be included in a housing policy for older people in Leeds. It is based on surveys and consultations that have taken place in Leeds plus the findings of similar work carried out in other areas of England.

Opportunities and Challenges of Innovative Housing and/or Support Service Models in fostering Aging in Place for Older Adults: A Critical Review

This capstone project presents a critical synthesis of recent literature (2000 to 2013) focused on three types of innovative housing and/or service models and aging in place to address housing needs for older adults. By comparative analysis of their differences and similarities, opportunities and challenges are identified for Villages, Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) and Cohous

Adapting to the Challenges of an Ageing Population for Social Housing

The focus of government policy in the UK to date has been on a health care strategy for the elderly that projects more and more integrated social and health services provided in their own home rather than in institutions/hospitals.

Working towards an older persons homelessness prevention strategy for the Victorian Homelessness Action Plan Reform

Successfully evaluated after Stage 1 of the Victorian Government's Innovations Action Project, 'Home at Last' has continued to expand its service into Stage 2.

For Future Living: Innovative Approaches to Joining Up Housing and Health

In exploring housing and health for older people, our research examined the following questions: • What do older people expect from their housing and housing providers? • What choices does the UK housing market offer older and vulnerable people? • What can we learn from the international literature about housing for older people, and can so-called intentional community approaches offer innovative

'Ageing in Place' in Europe: A multidimensional approach to independent living later in life

This research focuses on the independent living of old people (Ageing in Place) considering it as a process of adaption between older individuals and their living environment in which the goal is to remain at home, despite the possible deterioration of their cognitive functions. The main objective of the work is to explore how the adaption process works, its characteristics, existing types and th
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