
Ageing at Home as Preference: A Case Study of Older Spanish Population

The aim of this paper is to explore the ideal preferences of Spanish population aged 65 and over about the preferred setting to live in later life, identifying the factors that condition the election of each one of the alternatives (the own home, co-residence in a relative’s home and institutions). The results are analysed regarding to two hypothetical situations: what would be the preferred livi

Apartments for Life: A Dutch Senior Housing Innovation

In the Netherlands, Apartments for Life are available to individuals over the age of 55, and residents typically enter these apartments while still independent. What makes these residences unique is that when individuals require assisted living or nursing care, such care is brought to them.

The All-Ages City

By 2030, 20% of the U.S. will be senior citizens, compared with 13% today. Cities will have to adapt, not just to a growing population of elderly, but to the baby boomers’ idea of what it means to be elderly. An Indiana architect has come up with a new idea for retirement living. Instead of bringing Main Street to retirement communities, why not bring retirement communities to Main Street?

Narratives of home and place: Findings from the Housing and Independent Living Study

As populations age, increased focus is given to the importance of enabling older people to age in place. The study reported in this paper explored the extent to which older people considered their homes and neighbourhoods to be ‘supportive’, and sought to increase understanding of the needs and experiences of older people and their expectations of future housing needs.

Life space and mental health: a study of older community-dwelling persons in Australia

The ability of older people to mobilise within and outside their community is dependent on a number of factors. This study explored the relationship between spatial mobility and psychological health among older adults living in Australia.

Exploring the Meaning of Home for Six Baby Boomers

Current policy and practice in the UK is that people should, wherever possible, age at home, but there is no research into what home means to baby boomers. Therefore, this researcher asks two questions. Firstly, how can the meaning of home for baby boomers be explored? Secondly, what influence does the life course have on the meaning of home for six baby boomers?

Innovative Seniors Housing and Care Models: What We Can Learn from the Netherlands

This report highlights some innovative seniors housing and care practices from the Netherlands. The first is the Humanitas Apartments for Life, where if and when residents need assisted living or nursing facility level care, it is brought to them, thereby eliminating stigma and relocation issues. The second is the unique dementia village of De Hogeweyk.

Extending the housing options for older people

Ideally, older people should be supported to remain in their existing home with the provision of care and support as required; but for some this is not possible and others may wish to choose an alternative.

New Approaches to Housing for Older People

This UK report looks at the approaches of organisations that are working to meet the opportunities of our ageing population; it also identifies some of the critical challenges to this, notably but not exclusively around financing, and offers some challenges back to local and central government, for their role in developing a framework that can make it easier for the industry to respond.

Housing in later life

This UK report outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for older people’s housing with recommendations for action. One key action is to make sure that older people themselves are at the forefront of the housing debate. As this report makes clear, there isn’t one simple solution that will suit everyone.
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