
The World Health Organization Age-Friendly Cities Project in Portland, Oregon, USA

In 2006, researchers at the Institute on Aging in the School of Community Health at Portland State University were invited to collaborate with the World Health Organization on its “Age-Friendly Cities Project.” This project was designed to identify indicators of an age-friendly city based on the views of older adults, informal caregivers, and service providers.

The Role and Future Development of Supportive Housing for Older People in Ireland

The standard and suitability of older people’s accommodation is vital to their health and quality of life and a key factor in their capacity to take care of themselves or to be cared for should they become dependent.

The Need For Planning In An Aging Society

Practicing planners frequently work with key community stakeholders as they draft community plans-whether developers, home builders, pedestrian and bicycle advocates, or environmentalists.

Housing in Denmark

The Danish housing stock has improved considerably over the past fifty years or so and, on average, Danes have good dwellings with ample space. This book looks at the evolution of various housing types and their residents in the period from the end of World War 2 to the present time, broken down by ownership type and physical design.

Housing for the aging population

Based on the concept of ‘aging in place,’ design of houses in the past years are explored. Design features in the built environment become barriers for aging people with functional limitations. Initially, houses were designed according to the required needs of the user with the physical limitations.

Securing Good Care for Older People - Taking a Long-Term View

How much will it cost to provide social care for older people in England in 20 years time? What funding arrangements should be in place to ensure this money is available and supports the high-quality outcomes sought? Particularly now that the ‘baby-boomer’ generation is moving towards retirement, these questions pose serious challenges.

Housing Options for Older People

The homes currently being planned and built will contribute to the housing stock in 20 years time. Yet the demands of an ageing society often come low on the list of current strategic priorities. Recent UK government-backed programmes for new affordable housing do not specifically promote houses for older people.

Developing Appropriate Housing for Low-Income Older Persons: A Survey of Section 202 and LIHTC Property Managers

The rental housing crisis in America is having a profound impact on renters of all ages, including older residents. The federal government has responded over the years with a variety of housing strategies to help alleviate the problem.

Dimensions of the Meaning of Home in Later Life

The meaning of home in later life provides a perfect example of how strongly "objective" contextual factors and "subjective" representations are linked as people age. Although a considerable body of research has been published on the meaning of home among elders, the literature is still plagued by pronounced conceptual and empirical diversity.

Ageing-in-place? Intergenerational and intra-familial housing transfers and shifts in later life

Ageing populations create demands for higher expenditure on pensions and other government provided welfare and social benefits, leading to higher taxes falling on fewer workers.
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