
Challenges of cross-national housing research with older persons: lessons from the ENABLE-AGE project

This article discusses the cross-national project Enabling Autonomy, Participation, and Well-Being in Old Age: The Home Environment as a Determinant for Healthy Ageing. Cross-national, interdisciplinary research always entails challenges, while those involving person-environment research have not yet been reported much in the literature.

Evaluation of the HUD Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity (ECHO) Program

This is an evaluation of the HUD Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity (ECHO) demonstration program.

Aging Population and Planning for the Elderly

This paper aims to provide a brief account of the key issues of population aging in Hong Kong, and relevant experience of other Asian cities and their implications for strategic planning in Hong Kong will also be examined. To plan for services for the elderly, the Report of the Working Group on Care for the Elderly (1994) has laid down the following guiding principles : a.

Collaborating With Elderly End Users in the Design Process

This paper presents a study involving elderly end-users into the design process by means of participatory design sessions. In these sessions, the expertise of designers and the comments and ideas of elderly end-users related to how doors and door handles for domestic use should be designed were discussed.

A Life-Course Perspective on Housing Expectations and Shifts in Late Midlife

This US study applies a life-course approach and retirement migration theory to develop a model of future housing expectations and actual moves for a random sample of men and women in late midlife. Results suggest that late-midlife workers and retirees expect to age in place; expectations to live in highly supportive environments are uniformly low.

Housing and Health in Older People: Ageing in Place

In this paper we briefly review the demography and housing patterns of older people in New Zealand. We describe the impact of New Zealand’s climate and housing construction on health, before reviewing some significant health problems exacerbated by the indoor environment: respiratory conditions, coronary disease and hypothermia.

Housing Elderly People in Japan

The problem of providing housing for the aging society of Japan is and has been a key issue. Since the speed of aging is so rapid, Japan is facing a serious problem of having to provide buildings and dwelling units that will be suitable for use by elderly persons in a very short time.

Housing implications of population ageing in Australia

The ageing of the population is recognised as one of the major changes facing Australia at the turn of the century. The future effects of population ageing can be anticipated because the next cohort of older people already are in late middle age. Similarly, the stock of dwellings in the housing market is long lasting and only 1– 2 per cent of additional dwellings are built each year.

Current and Emerging Issues in Housing Environments for the Elderly

This essay is in six main sections. It begins with a general inventory of the housing problems of the elderly that considers dwelling-specific items as well as the need for supportive services.
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