
Homeless in Paris: The Darker Side of the City of Light

Official statistics from 2012 put the number of people living without shelter in France at 141,500, an increase of 44% since 2001. Broadly speaking, homelessness is a middle-aged problem. Almost half of people living on the street are between the ages of 30 and 49, compared with 26% of people over 18 and 25% over 50.

Housing for Seniors: Challenges and Solutions

The older population in the US is projected to grow rapidly, and although many seniors wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible, challenges related to affordability, accessibility, and poor linkages to health services may make doing so difficult. Expanding the supply of aging-friendly housing options, rental assistance, home repairs and modifications, accessible residential design an

90 Day Design Innovation in Social Housing Project – Case Study

Housing that supports health, wellbeing and independence for older people is an important aspect of developing South Australia’s capacity as an age friendly state. Between December 2016 and March 2017, Office for the Ageing (OFTA) undertook a 90 Day Design Innovation in Social Housing Project to discover how housing and precinct design can respond to the needs of older Housing SA tenants as they

A Literature Review of Homelessness and Aging: Suggestions for a Policy and Practice-Relevant Research Agenda

Homelessness among older people is a growing concern across Canada and is expected to rise with demographic change. Yet current knowledge, policies, and practices on homelessness largely focus on younger populations. Likewise, research and policies on aging typically overlook homelessness.

Planning for an Aging Population

This paper builds on existing ROP policies related to aging. It is a stand alone policy section which would include a preamble that refers to the projected substantial increase in the seniors population in the coming years.

Housing and Ireland’s Older Population

It is sometimes argued that residential immobility on the part of older people results in the sub-optimal allocation of the housing stock. If older people remain in larger houses, then such houses are not available for the next generation of younger families.

The Meaning of Home for Aging Women Living Alone in North Eastern Ontario

The experience and meaning of home for older, community dwelling women, was investigated. In the world of gerontology there is a paucity of knowledge about those in their eighth and ninth decade, and this becomes more pronounced among older women.

Building Affordable Elderly Housing: How New Zealand's planning system influences market outcome

This paper explores the changing demographics of New Zealand’s elderly, the influence of the current planning system, and how planning has hindered the market’s ability to provide affordable elderly housing in areas of highest demand. It will then consider how the recently introduced Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015, through its recognition of the importance of affordable housing supply,

Do the generations need each other or “never the twain should meet”?

This paper examines the position of the older person within the housing system and puts forward innovative and inspirational ideas for the retirement sector in Wales. However, the main theme has to be the need for a radical transformation of the Welsh retirement sector so that the options available are vibrant, provide lifelong purpose and participation, companionship and visitability.

How can local government be better associated with delivering housing for an ageing population?

This paper offers an overview of the challenges local authorities face in housing and caring for an ageing population and suggests that Local Government must have a key role in meeting this challenge.
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