
The Ache for Home: A Plan to Address Chronic Homelessness and Housing Unaffordability in Australia

Australia has a crisis in the supply of social and affordable housing. This is evidenced by the hundreds of thousands who are experiencing homelessness, on wait-lists for public housing, or living in severe housing stress. Taken together, the statistics tell us that across Australia there are over 105,000 people experiencing homelessness and 875,000 households experiencing housing stress.

Why older women need access to affordable housing

This article examines the plight of women over 55 who are non-homeowners and at risk of homelessness. It looks at an innovative housing development in Queensland, which brought about the renovation of an existing, uninhabitable building into affordable, modern apartments for low income earners over the age of 55.

Homelessness Research and Policy Development: Examples from the Nordic Countries

The interaction between research and policy development has played an important role in the transformation of homelessness policies and services over the last decade. This article will focus on the Nordic countries, where there has been close interaction between research and policy development in the formation of national strategies and programmes.

Building Affordable Elderly Housing: How New Zealand’s planning system influences market outcomes

This paper explores the changing demographics of New Zealand’s elderly, the influence of the current planning system, and how planning has hindered the market’s ability to provide affordable elderly housing in areas of highest demand.

Want to age well? Fix the housing system

We need urgent action from government, business and the not-for-profit sector on the financing and supply of more affordable and social housing for older people.

A Literature Review of Homelessness and Aging: Suggestions for a Policy and Practice-Relevant Research Agenda

Homelessness among older people is a growing concern across Canada and is expected to rise with demographic change. Yet current knowledge, policies, and practices on homelessness largely focus on younger populations. Likewise, research and policies on aging typically overlook homelessness.

Considering Housing Models for London’s Aging Population

In Canada, the population is aging. Currently, the cohort aged 65+is greater than those who are aged 0 to 14.

Senior Housing in China: Older and Wiser

China’s 220 million people over 60 now represent 16.3 percent of its total population, up from 10.3 percent in 2000. By 2020, that number will reach 248 million, The current supply of senior housing units in China is minimal, and most are provided by the government.

Ending Homelessness in New Zealand:Final Report of the Cross-Party Inquiry on Homelessness

The hundreds of submissions and pieces of evidence presented to the Cross-Party Inquiry into Homelessness show that the level of homelessness in New Zealand is larger than any other time in recent memory and is continuing to grow.

Housing an Ageing Population

A presentation to the Community Housing Cymru Annual Conference 2016 focussing on key questions for designing and planning for the housing needs & choices of older people in Wales.
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