
The ageing population will change demand for housing. In particular, it is likely that more adaptable and specialised housing will be needed.

This document outlines the Policy implications for the UK due to the ageing population's changing demands for housing. Building suitable new homes and supporting the adaptation of the existing housing stock will be critical as the population ages. It is also important that older people can move to a more appropriately sized home with ease.

Housing Our Ageing Population

With an ageing UK population, older people are now key players in the wider housing market.

Living in Fear: Experiences of Older Private-Renters in London

The private-rented sector is too often characterised by insecurity, poor living conditions, high rents and lack of choice, meaning that many tenants experience instability and inequality.

Not just personal choice: older women and homelessness

No single factor, not one personal decision and not one government policy setting has created the homelessness of any one woman. Years of systemic inaction and poor policy has resulted in more women over 55 now facing homelessness.

Worst Case Housing Needs - 2017 Report to Congress

The report finds that severe housing problems are on the rise. In 2015, 8.30 million households had worst case needs, up from 7.72 million in 2013. These households are defined as very low-income renters who do not receive government housing assistance and who paid more than one-half of their income for rent, lived in severely inadequate conditions, or both.

Partnering for impact to reduce homelessness in Queensland

'Partnering for Impact' details the broad directions and initial actions to generate innovation and revitalisation in the Queensland Government's response to homelessness. The first step will implement 5-year service agreements for existing services.

Unsettled, Insecure, Expensive and Scarce: The Experience of Renting in Australia

National Shelter increasingly looks at the performance of our rental markets in terms of affordability and it was about time we also looked at the experience of renters as users of tenancy products.

Assessing Future Potential Demands for Older Person's Care Homes and Dementia Housing in London

This study was undertaken in 2017 to provide background information to the emerging London Plan. It updates borough based benchmarks of demand for specialist older persons housing which accompanied Further Alterations to the London Plan. Specialist older persons housing refers to self-contained accommodation and includes extra care and assisted living type schemes.

Reframing Social Housing: financing and tenant autonomy

Housing affordability is a key issue for many Australians. While the focus is often on affordability for existing and prospective home owners, it is also a significant issue for many renters. About 31% of Australian households are renting. Rental housing is broadly in two categories: private and social.

AAA Housing for Older Australians- making it affordable, accessible, appropriate

COTA Australia 2017 National Policy Forum. The key understanding that underpinned the entire day’s discussions is that secure housing is fundamental to wellbeing.
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