
Ending Homelessness - A Housing-Led Approach

The Programme for Government 2011, contains a commitment to ending long term homelessness and the need to sleep rough by implementing a ‘housing first’ approach and to strengthen preventative services.

Housing as a Platform for Improving Outcomes for Older Renters

This paper focuses on low-income older renters and how housing can provide a platform for supporting their independence and well-being.The paper: - provides context for the important role of housing and neighborhoods in supporting independence for older Americans generally and low-income older renters in particular -presents a conceptual framework for the pathways between the housing and servic

Housing Jamaica's Ageing Population

Jamaica's downward trend in the population growth, combined with an upward trend in the aged proportion of the population, forces one to examine the implications for the country's housing and infrastructure development. While the declining population growth suggests a downward pressure on the housing deficit and perhaps a lessening of the challenge for planning and infrastructure develo

Policy shift or program drift? Implementing Housing First in Australia

INTRODUCTION Providing secure, sustainable housing options for people experiencing chronic homelessness has posed an enduring challenge for policy-makers and practitioners alike. While Australian homelessness responses are largely crisis based, there are long standing debates about the best means of ending long-term homelessness altogether.

Preparing the Future: Affordable Housing and the Challenge of an Ageing Population in Europe - Success Stories

The European Year (2012) is raising public awareness about the contribution older people make to society. The aim of this initiative is to encourage political decision-makers and stakeholders at all levels to work for better framework conditions for active ageing and to reinforce intergenerational solidarity. The real challenge is to involve the growing number of older people in these objectives.

Cities face challenge of an age-old problem

Urbanisation and aging: the trend in western societies is irreversible. If they are not to spawn ghettos and places of exclusion, cities – and urban planning generally – need to be revisited. A paradigm shift is more necessary than ever. We need to build cities geared to aging – cities where the built environment encourages active aging.

A better fit? Creating housing choices for an ageing population

This report aims to: Set out the evidence about older people’s housing at present: where older people are living, their aspirations and their attitudes about housing, particularly their attitudes to downsizing. Explore the social and economic benefits associated with providing more housing for older people. Make the case for increasing the supply of housing for older people and recommend policy

Sustainable Housing for Sustainable Cities: A Policy Framework for Developing Countries

This report outlines key concepts and considerations underpinning the idea of sustainable housing and provides a comprehensive framework for designing sustainable housing policies and practical actions.

Ageing in urban environments: Developing ‘age-friendly’ cities

This article aims to provide a critical perspective on what has been termed ‘age-friendly cities’ by shifting the focus from questions such as ‘What is an ideal city for older people?’ to the question of ‘How age friendly are cities?’ This approach might be more suited to deal with the complexities of cities as sites of interlocking and conflicting commercial, social, and political interests.
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